Plano, TX, Games Unique, 11/6/99

3 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
3 Electabuzz
2 Mr. Mime
3 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
1 Chansey


8 Fighting
7 Electric


3 Prof. Oak
4 Gambler
3 Scoop Up
3 Energy Removal
3 Plus Power
2 Itemfinder
1 Comp. Search

Report- about 25 people there so prize was $23

1st- Patrick- Rain Dance

The whole game was kind of weird. I played Electabuzz on first turn. It
did carnage, but was killed by Blastoise on the tenth turn. I then put
out wigglytuff, and killed the blastoise. A lapras came and killed it .
We were tied at prizes 2-2, and his 5 energy blastoise killed a
jigglypuff, but mime deck him out!


This game was very long. I killed his buzz with Chan but his scyther
killed the Chan. my wiggly came and did 20 to syther, then i got oak, so
it started doing 60. It came down to prizes 1-1, but i decked him

3rd- Charles-Water Colorless

He started with dratini out poliwag on bench i laid down 2 pluspwers on
the first turn to kill dratini. poliwag did ten. my chan did twenty, but
he potioned. i got a prof. oak, laid down a plus pwer, and oaked. i
didn't get a plus power, but i did get a comp. search. i searched and
found a plus power.

4th-Kris- Electric

This was the only girl at the tourney, and she was GOOD! she used Zapdos
against my chans, jungle pikachues against my mimes, and fossil raichus
to knock the wigglytuffs out. I lost!


We were both 4-1. He was very scared of me. I quickly pwered a wiggly
and killed a hitmonlee, hitmonchan, and scyther. I then finished off his
last scyther with a buzz.

Finals-Kris-she lost in the last round so we played for the

she started with jungle pikachu, but i killed it with chan, i killed a
zapdos with buzz, a fos. raichu with wigglytuff, er'ed  everything she
put down, and finished her off with MR. MIME! She thought she was good
but i knocked her out. She didn't do any damage to me the whole game!

 For my $3 entry, i got $23 and bought 5 fossil packs. i got holo genagr
and zapdos. pretty good.

Andreas for being a good loser

James for not even trying
Kris for letting her guard down
Patrick for not drawing a card when he knew he was going to deck if he

Jake Jacobs