I made this deck totally out of colorless cards.  It is all English and I did
not put in any trainers, but this deck doesn't need them.  I have played with
this deck at Books-a-million and I won almost every time.  In later
modificatioins I added in a Mr. Mime which helps out against a fighting deck.

Game one:

Early on in the game I drew both of my Wigglytuff but only one jigglypuff,
but I also got dratini/dragonair/dragonite early.  My opponent had a fire
deck.  With the combination of Wigglytuff's lullaby and dragonite's slam,
that game went without myself even being knocked out once.

Game two:

I lost (but barely) to a very strong psy deck with gengar in it.  I was lucky
to get down to even 2 prizes but I did.  I mainly used jigglypuff but he just
couldn't handle it.  I suggest that on a deck like his, do not use anyone
without a resistance to psy, you will die very quickly if you do.

Other games I played were like these so now I am about 10-2.

4 jigglypuff
2 wigglytuff
4 pidgey
2 pidgeotto
1 pidgeot
4 rattata
2 raticate
4 dratini
2 dragonair
1 dragonite (well duh!)
2 doduo
1 dodrio (pokemon power)
2 ditto
1 clefairy (metronome)
28 of any energy (that is why I like it)

Jim Mcadams    jjm85@aol.com

Please e-mail me