The tournament was held at Larry's card shop in Columbia, Tennessee. It was on 10-24-99. There was about 75 people at the tournament. I hope you like my deck!!!
22 phsycic
1double colorless
 2 alakazam
3 kadabra
3 abra
2 hypno
3 drowzee
2 gengar
3 haunter
3 gastly
2 mr.mime
2 mewtwo
2 ditto
2 gust of wind
1 switch
1 computer search
2 energy retrieval
2 potion
2 super energy removal
1 energy removal
It's alot to ask for, but guess what?? I was working on it for over 2 months!!! Just save up money, trade, and buy singles!!! Well, here's a little about how the tournament went:
First round: Michael simmons vs. some little kid,
I pulled out a mewtwo!! He had a staryu. I killed his staryu, and mewtwo was out for the rest of the game for me. He didn't really know how to play, oh, well, I kept that ditto on my bench for the whole game!! I just killed him, it was over before I knew it.
second round: me vs. my little sister.,
I got out a mr.mime! She had a deck that I had built for her. It was all grass. She got out a bellsprout. too bad. i used meditate, plus pokemon power invisible wall, and 10 damage on poor bellsprout. I can't really remember what happened after that, except that I kept doing meditate, and pokemon power invisible wall, and killed her next 6 cards. After that, I decided to give her just a little break, and I retreated Mr.mime, and put in that drowzee, let her put a little damage on it, and i did pound about 5 times on her nidoran(f), and the game was over. record: 2-0!!!
third round: me vs. tosh valore!!,
I pulled out a gastly, and put abra, and ditto on my bench. he had an all electric deck. He pulled out an electabuzz!! oh, no!! he attacked me with thunderpunch!! He killed my gastly!! well, so then i put in ditto, and used thunderpunch on him. I got heads!! 40 damage on electabuzz!! he then did thundershock. he got tails again!! yes!! i did thunderpunch, and bye bye electabuzz!! then, i retreated ditto, and put in my abra which was now a kadabra, and he put in pikachu. once we both got enough energy, he attacked me with gnaw, and then my turn!! super psy! pikachu is dead!! I finally got out an alakazam after a while, beat the guy up with him, and at the end, pulled out a gengar and the game was over!!
final round: me vs. will beaugez!!,
I got out a mewtwo, and put mr.mime, abra, and ditto on my bench. he had a psyhcic deck, too!! He had basically the same things in it, too!! he put in a drowzee, and I got to go first!! I used psychic for 30 damage, becuase he had 2 energy cards attatched to him. he used confuse ray, and got tails!! i used psychic again, and drowzee was dead. After that, he kept putting in pokemon, and retreating them. i just kept killing them. he wasn't any match for my hypno at all. I just kept on killing him until I was down to my last prize. He had 4 more prizes left. I had a feeling i was going to win. then, he pulled out mr.mime, and kept on doing what i did before to my little sister, meditate, and then pokemon power invisible wall. He did it to me until he only had 1 prize left, also. I wasn't so sure I was going to win anymore. I then put in my only hope, a ditto. He kept out his Mr.mime, and i went first yes!!! I was so nervous. I used what he was doing to me, meditate, but i just used meditate, because he had 30 damage on his mr.mime already. i won!!! yes, i am the winner!!! the prize was 5 packs of normal cards. i got another mewtwo, blastoise, electrode, raichu, and dugtrio.
By:michael simmons    e-mail address:    thanks pojo!!!