Tourney was at....
Game HQ
Edmond, OK 73003

Address not available, forgot to get it this week!
Wee, finally got my hands on a Fossil themed deck! Whoo hoo! Do you really think that I should have modified it(extremely), though? And actually used it in the tourney??!? Nah, that was stupid. Oh well, I had a lot more fun than when I was using my Haymaker this time. Next week, however, it's introduction #1 to my Haymaker Killer deck... ^__^ Anywho, now to the cards
Fire - 14
Water- 14
Water Pokémon-
Krabby- 3
Horsea- 3
Seadra- 2
Fire Pokémon-
Fossil Magmar- 1
Basic Magmar- 1
Growlithe- 2
Arcaninie- 1
Vulpix- 3
Ninetails- 1
Energy Search-1
Full Heal-1
Super Potion-2
As you can see, I basically made this deck my own. I didn't have enough time to make this deck and perfect it, though, as a friend of mine and I were modifying these about 10 minutes before the tourney started. We both landed 11/12th place, but still, we had fun. Now for the tourney results.
Round 1- vs. a Fighting/Water Deck
    I played this kid last week, too. I wish I could have played Michael, but no... Anyways, I pretty much took care of buisness with Magmar, and when he killed it, I destroyed his Magikarp(not too much of a great feat) with a flick of the ok' Articuno.
Record of 1-0
Round 2- vs. a Fire/Fight Deck
    Apparantly everyone here has their own lil' variation of a Haymaker, which is why I broke off of the trend. Anyhow, he beat me with 3 Super Energy Removals. I tryed to power up my  Arcanine, but he Super Energy removed it twice and took out the 2 Horseas that I had out. When Arcanine came out, he killed it with Moltres and 3 plus powers. I had no basic left, so he won. Pretty close, though, as I had 3 prizes left.
Record of 1-1
Round 3- vs. a Mono/Electric Deck
    I was surprised that I beat him, as I took him out with a Horsea and a Kingler. He sent out alot of electrics though, which forced me to send out Arcanine, who I was powering up when Kingler got to 50 damage. I Flamethrowered him a few times and won the game. He didn't get a single prize. ^__^
Record of 2-1
Round 4- vs. Fire/Psychic Stall deck
    Although mad at this kid's Charizard, there was nothing I could do. He Super Energy Removed me twice, and used Charizard to belittle my Horsea and Krabby team. Since none of my Pokés were over 100 HP, he just kept on taking me out. He tryed to cheat a few times too, by drawing 3 or 4 times at a turn, but I couldn't stop him as he denied all charges(I had a witness, too, who saw what happened and had tryed it while playing him, also). Anyways, I'm not holding that responsible for my win, just my strategy.
    Anywho, I didn't make it to the top 8, but did alot better than expected. I had alot of fun this week, although incredibly angry at the store owners... This weeks props and slops..
PROPS to Michael Moffit for joining me in a rousing round of "Lock Down"
PROPS to this kid for bringing me my lil' lunchbox/cardbox from across the store
SLOPS to the store people for dissing pokémon and not being open to opinions of those who knew more about the game then they do
SLOPS to the store people for saying that Magic will kill off Pokémon
SLOPS to the store owner for ripping me off when trying to get Body Guard as a present for my brother
SLOPS to a kid for refusing my deal on a Fossil Mew after we had traded 20 minutes before
SLOPS to the Game HQ guy for laughing at me when I told him I was playing a modifyed Pre-construct
As you can see... there were alot of slops. Really rainy day. Anyhow, I had fun playing today. Thanks again, I'll be sure to give you a report next week