Allright,There werent many people there today,Only 36 or so. I won the
tournament by going 8-1. My only loss was to Brian Manalokos when I got
nothing. I won A gym Leader starter thing and 7 Fossil Packs.The tourney
took place in Syracuse,NY At altered States game and hobby.

Round 1:

I go against Jamie Park,He's playing A Damage Swap deck. {He's ranked
top 50 in the world for magic. He got 6th in magic world championships.}

 I start with magmar,He starts with Jynx. He gets some unlucky flips. I
get my wigglytuff out. I start to kill all his Pokemon.He gets a mime
but I lullaby,he flips tails. I kill it.He gets desperate and Oaks too
many times and decks himself in desperation to win.
RECORD 1-0 3 Points.

Round 2 vs Andy Zdyrski. He's playing raindance. I hate going against
rain dance. I start with scyther he starts with lapras.he goes first,He
deals 10. I play Energy removal and dance. He does 10. I play a DC and
deal 60. He deals 20. I slash and KO his lapras. I start to dominate
until he gets his blastoise out. But I get my wigglytuff and er and SER
his toise. I kill it. Then I have 1 prize left. I item find for the gust
and Bring in his injured lapras and do the wave for the win.
RECORD 2-0 6 points.

Round 3 Vs Tim Casion. {ranked 43rd in the world. I was afraid of
playing him.} He's playing water and Grass. I start with scyther. He
starts with starmie. I go first. I dance. He plays an energy on a
benched jiggly. I draw a gust,play a DC down and kill it.He gets energy
screwed and he forgot to put out his prizes so I get to draw 2 more.I
kill a few more pokemon and I have 1 prize left. I item find for the
gust and gust his scyther with 6 on it and slash it for the kill.
RECORD 3-0 9 Points.

Round 4 Vs Pete Zalizniak.{Ranked 42nd in the world i think.} I was
kinda afraid of playing him because he usually beats me. I dont remember
much about this game. I know he couldnt draw anything good. I got out 2
Wigglytuff with a full bench,Guess who won.
RECORD 4-0 14 points.

Round 5 vs Matt Wainright- He was playing Haymaker.
 I start with a lone scyther.He starts with 2. Ge goes first,Plays an
energy and passes. I play an energy and swords dance. and start slashing
away and supering his energy.he gets screwed and I win.
RECORD 5-0 15 points.

Round 6 vs Brian Manolakos-Playing Haymaker.
We are both 5-0. I dont draw shit,He gets godly draws. He gets a lot of
lucky flips. I get nothing to use. I lose because I had no chance cause
I could not draw anything.
RECORD 5-1 15 points.

Quarter finals- I come into this ranked 2nd seed. I play Cory
nelson.-Grass Colorless.
I start with does he,I removaled his Pinsirs and Scyther a
lot. I end up taking him down easily.

Semi-Finals vs Tim Casion-Grass Water.
I won,Thats really all I remember,I think I got my wiggly out late and
ended up finishing it with wiggly.

FINALS VS Pete Zalizniak-Grass Fighting. We were both tired and had
headaches. We decided to split prizes. We flipprd coind,2 of 3 i won the
flips and the tournament.


Props to Pete for Splitting with me and making me not suffer by passing
out because I had a bad headache,but so did he.

Props to Tim for losing to me 2 times today.

Props to Brian Horton for holding another great tourney.

Props to Altered States and Chris Polichemmi or something like that. For
holding another great tourney.

SLOPS to...

Slops to Brian M for beating me with a haymaker.

Slops to People who Bugged me a lot.

Well.. Thats it. C-ya all later. Good Luck!
Mail me if you have any questions about my deck or anything,Im ranked
48th in the world and I should shoot up soon. Before I go here is my

3 JigglyPuff
3 Ditto
3 Magmar {fossil}
4 Scyther
2 Wigglytuff
TOTAL = 15


3 Professor Oak
2 Bill
2 Scoop up
2 Gust of wind
2 Item Finder
2 Computer search.
3 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal.
TOTAL = 19


12 Fire energy
10 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless
TOTAL = 26

Well.There it is.Any suggestions or comments.Mail me. If you want me to
build you a deck or give you some tips mail me. C-ya all later.