Hi Pojo,
This is my Deck that I played with at the cardshop I work at called Sports
cards and coins owned by Brad kelly.  We hold a tournament every Friday and
every Sunday. we had 12 participants!  I went to the Friday Tournament at
4:30.  I used the new deck that I created after the tournament last week.  I
got together with some of the other employees in my Deck building Buisness,
it is a division of the card shop. At this particular tournament they have a
few house rules, If you are out of basic pokemon on your bench and have no
active pokemon you can draw a card and if you have one in yur hand or you
get a basic pokemon, you can make it your active pokemon.  If nobody asks
you to count your cards you can use more than 60 cards in a deck.  If you
can draw a card without the other person looking its all fair game.
Here's my deck:

18 electric energy
5 grass Energy
4 double colorless energy

4 kangaskhan
4 Scyther
4 electabuzz (1 LT. Surge)
2 raichu (1 Lt surge)
2 zapdos
2 pikachus (1 jungle one base set)
1 porygon
1 ditto

4 energy removals
3 energy retrievals
4 potions
4 bills
1 sabrinas eye
2 gym mine fields

We play best out of 3 games and the winner advances to the next person.

game 1/3 round 1 record: 1-0 Edwin williams
This kid is a straight up fagott.  Sorry if I offend anybody but I hate this
kid, he thinks he is the man with his clefairys and crap. He had a psi
colorless. I knew I'd beat him so I let him chose my cards and set my deck. 
Of course I lost, he made me get energies till he got 20 cards and then
finally I got a porygoon and he killed it with a jynx.
Game 2/3 round 1 Record: 1-1 Edwin Williams
I drew a zapdos Ditto Kangaskhan 1 leaf energy and the rest was electric.  I
don't know what he drew but all I know is that his only basic pokemon was a
Abra.  I put out kangaskhan.  He wewnt first and put an energy on abra.  I
drew a card and got bill. I used it and got an energy removal and a double
colorless. I put removed 1 energy from abra and applied a leaf and a double
colorless energy pon kangaskhan.  I used fetch and the next turn he got a
bill and drew two psi energies, he put one on abra.  I drew a scyther.  I
applied an electric energy to kangaskhan and did comet punch,  I got 3
heads. 1st prize.  He had no basic pokemon in his hand, he drew a potion.
Game 3/3 round 1 Record:1-2 Edwin williams
I got all basic pokemon. 2 electabuzz 1 scyther 1 ditto and 3 kangaskhans. I
put out an electabuzz and drew my two cards cause he had no basics.  I got a
bill and an electric energy.  he went first and put out the infamous jnynx.I
used bill and got a potion and a leaf energy I applied electric energy and
used thundershock, he was paralyzed.  He did nothing but apply a psi energy
to Jynx.  I applied leaf energy and used potion then the energy removal I
drew at the beginning and then I used thunder punch (40 damage). next turn
he put double colorless enegy on him and a psichic energy and used energy,
20 damage.  I drew a energy retrival I had no use for, and then I did thuder
puch for the knock out.
Game 1/3 round 2 Record 1-3 Maxwell williams
Like I said last week on my FiReBoLtT deck , this guy is fun to mess around
with.  He had a psi fighting deck.  I got 2 electabuzz and a kangaskhan the
rest were a potion and three electric energy, he won the coin toss and put
out a machop against my kangaskhan.  He go tno energies I suspected  because
he didn't apply any.  I drew and got abill and used it then got a energy
removal and a leaf energy.  I appled an electric energy and used fetch. He
put an energyon machop and did 20 damage.  I used a potion and drew a double
colorless.  I applied it then applied an electric energy. i used comet punch
and got 4 heads!!  my prize was a pikachu.  He had no basics so he drew and
got a geodude.  He put it out with a fighting energy and didn't do anything.
  I drew an electric anergy and applied it to electabuzz.  I used comet
punch and got 3 heads for my second prize which was a potion.  I won because
he could not get a basic pokemon.
Game 2/3 round 2 Record 1-5 Maxwell williams
His mom came in right after we started and had to foriet.  I won the next
two games because of that.
Game 1/3 round 3 record 1-6 Brad Clinton
This is the second best player in the tournament he was the guy with all the
hitmonchans. I drew 2 scythers 3 grass and 2 electric energy.   Actually I
drew eight cards by accident but since he didn't noticed I kept them. the
eight card was a double colorless.  I won the coin toss finally.  I applied
the double colorless and a grass energy. i did sword dance.  He had a
hitmonchan out and an electabuzz on the bench.  He put a plus power on
hitmon chan aas well as a fighting energy.  the next turn I  I got a bill
and used it I got a potion and an energy retrieval.  I applied an electric
energy on electabuzz.  I did slash.  The next turn he used a potion on
hitmonchan and nothing else. I used slash for the knock out.  He put another
hitmonchan from his hand out and put a double colorless energy on him. then
a fighting.  he used Jab but it nothing because of scythers resistance.I
started powering up the kangaskhan I drew at the begining of he turn  I did
another swords dance. He had a bad hand I suspected because he didn't put
anything on it exept another plus power.  I drew a energy removal and used
slash.  He put a double colorless on Hitmonchan.  He did nothing.  I put
another energy on kangaskhan (I now have 2 electric on him)  I used energy
removal on Hitmonchan, the double corless.  I used slash for the knock out. 
He put out a powered up electabuzz.  For some very odd reason he did Thunder
shock.  I wasn't paralyzed.  I drew a double colorless energy and applied it
to kangaskhan.  Then I put an electric energy on electabuzz.  I used slash. 
The next turn  he did thunder punch and it did 40 damage.  I used a potion
on Scyther the next turn.   I used a plus power I had hidden behind one of
my energies and applied it to Scyther and did slash for the knock out.  At
that point it was over but, the tournament ended and since I was winning I
was declared the champion.

Thanx for posting me pojo!!
Any comments? Questions? Contact me