dear pojo,

    i went to games unique at baybrook mall in friendswood (approx. 40 ppl)
oct. 16 1999 well this time i decided to try a new tourney well heres my


3 scythers
2 hitmo
2 mime
3 chansey
1 ditto
3 buzz
2 charmander


2 grass
6 electric
8 fighting
4 phsycic
2 fire
3 dbl color


1 fuji
1 scoop
1 gow
1 switch
1 energy retrieve
1 prof. oak
1 super potion
1 s.e.r
4 e.r
3 bill
2 potion
2 p.p

there was a best of 5 the only un deafeated ppl get a 30 dollar gft

1ST ROUND: some kid playing electric/water.

they start with eevee i start with chansey i go first i draw hitmo use bill
get pp use scoop up lay down fighting energy use pp its over easiest match
evr turns out he had a jolteon in his hand.

2ND ROUND: my friend Jeremy also playing haymaker 3 colors fire, grass, and

I start with charmander hitmo and scyther. he started with a ponyta I start
with char I do scratch three times just wheni think I won he uses comp
search gets an oak. gets scyther scyther hitmo ponyta takes me down to 10
life I kill his pony he brings in hitmo kills chari bring in my pumped
scyther and use swords dance his turn reatreats hitmo brings in scyther i
use slash with pp dead  he brings in  hitmo. uses oak uses e.r and e.r im
out of my energy retreat scyther bring hitmo
and my hitmo dies but his hitmo is half dead i bring in scyther and lay down
an energy and slash his turn he slash i use oak lay down buzz bill lay down
chansey and char lay an enrgy on char attack his turn pp my scythers dead
were tied  i bring in charmander full energy and ember hes dead i win

3RD ROUND: some kid (whos dad was watching me like  a hawk he kept on
thinking i was cheating) a grass fire deck.

i start with charmander chansey and chansey he sarts with charmander scyther
and scyther (eerie huh)  well my char kills his i kill a scyhter with
chansey he kills chansey i kill his scyther and thats basically it i end
with a half dead chansey and char but i win lucky ther was no g.o.w. . i win

4TH ROUND: some kid who strated perky ended annoyed (just the way i like it)
with grass physcic.

i start with ditto hitmo and mime i use ditto he starts with bulbasaur,
caterpie, ekans, ekans, paras  i lay down dbl color use leech seed he use
potion i use leech seed he uses leech seed i use leech seed and pp next
caterpie he use string shot tails i use it twice heads twice  then i ratreat
ditto and use a pumped up hitmo kill caterpie kill ekans he evolves paras
ans ekans i kill parasect in two turns and he does 20 damage to my hitmo i
do fourty he does twenty i do 40. its ovr i win

5TH ROUND: my  buddy zach from the horizon tourney he use potpouri.

this kid was the best kid in the peewee league. he starts with hitmonchan
hitmonlee and jiggly puff i start with chansey scyther mime  and ditto i
start with mime he switches his hitmonlee brings in jiggly i cant do any
thing im asleep pound i bring in ditto sleep my turn pound still asleep
pound  wakes up pound my turn pound dead brings in hitmonchan jab dead  i
bring in scyther and kill him and lee. scyther the only thing that can beat
both (bruce)  lee and (jackie)  chan. hehehe.iwin

I get a $30.00 certificate and zach talked me into joining the pokemon
league thats tomorrow so ill be back soon with details.

brandon (