Burning Thunderstorm:

This week i could'nt make it to the weekly tournament,but i managed to get
to the PKMN leage and they had a special promo PRERELEASE 1RST ed.areodactal
for anyone who had never been there before that day so i quikly took off my
boulder and cascade badge and my glasses and the it was my first time
there...wink...wink.Anyway i made a few changes like took out fossil zapdos
and a fire energy in exange for an electric and a scyther.(Well here's my
deck.It relies mainly on the 3 mystical birds, enjoy :)

9 water                              1 vaporeon                           2
magmar (fossil)    3 pikachu(jungle)
6 fire                                  2 articunu
1 flareon                    1 zapdos
9 electric                            1 lapras
1 moltres                  2 raichu (basic)
4 double colorless            3 squirtle
2 electabuzz
                                            3 wartortle
1 jolteon
                                            1 blastoise

                COLORLESS POKEMON(5)
                4 eevee
2 energy search
                1 scyther
1 computer search

  This week i mosty ripped-off a bunch of kids in trading (not little ones,
just dumb ones.) i only played two matches,and they were quick and painful

Me VS.idiot
This was the most anoying kid anyone ever heard or seen.
First of all, he was one of the kids who have to wait to make their deck
when he gets challenged....so about five minutes later we battled and he
wanted instant death that pissed me off because i HATE instant death
especially against haymakers!!!!Any way opening hand,he didn't shuffle but i
didn't say noth'in.he got a hitmonchan and a scyther i got squirtle lapras
and zapdos.i win coin flip.squirtle goes out,energy,bubble, for the next
seven turns and he was paralized EVERY time i win THEN he said i rigged the
coin,so we rematch below.

Me VS.idiot
He shuffled this time by putting the cards he wanted on top.i play a
differant deck this time one i'm thinking of calling hitmon-strike ('cause
it's based on lee and chan) it might be on pojo in the future so keep your
eyes peeled under the fighting-fire spot...any who,this is a six prize game
he has chan i have fossil trainer,kabuto,and lee i put lee up he went first
20 damage, I turn fossil into kabuto bring him up to stall next two turns i
energize le the rest of the game is all lee by end he only drew one prize
and lee only had 20 damage on him (he is not very good at rigging his deck)

Well i got a pre-release aerodactle,and one anoying memory. and two more
charizards than when i went.                           PLEASE try this deck
it is better than you think!!!!!

PROPS:to the kid that traded me the two charizards for the promo pikacu.(i
got the charizards)
PROPS:to the leage for having the areodactal.
PROPS:to pojo for having this section.
PROPS:to you for reading this.

SLOPS:to me for not catching a ride to the tourny.
SLOPS:of course i wouln't have a report without the idiot but STILL.

email me with comments at 66911@msn.com this has been Jared "ash-wanna-be"
Clement and i'm sighning off.