Books A Million
35 people
Pokemon Leauge
I'm having a busy weekend!Yesterday it was Outer Limit Comics now it's Books A Million.Well,I tryed out this deck again to see how it would do.Today there was more compitition for me.There is a Toys R Us across the street so I went over there and bought a pack of cards.Too many kids with Gameboy!I don't renember the peoples names because there were too many people.Here's my deck again down below.
      Pokemon 27
4  Scyther
4  Bulbasaur
4  Ivysaur
3  Venusaur
3  Farfetch'd
3  Pidgey
2  Pidgeotto
1  Pidgeot
2  Spearow
1  Fearow
      Trainers 11
4  energy  removal
2  Bill
2  Scoop Up
3  Pokeball
       Energy 22
4  Doulble Colorless Energy
18  Grass energy
I'm thinking about taking a Venusaur out and put a Pokemon Trader or Breader but right now it's fine.Half of the kids only have starter decks that they play with but I try to play challenging people.Here are the results of my battles.
Match 1 VS fire deck(aahhhh)
No!!I thought he would beat me but it turns out he didn't have enough basic pokemon.I get 2 Scythers,1 doulble colerless,3 energy,and 1 spearow.He gets 1 charmander as his active and 1 Vulpix.He goes first and attacks me with scratch.I put an energy on Scyther.He gets my spearow dead so then I put a DCE on Scyther and slash for 30.He retreats his charmander for another one and attacks for 20.I do 30 and he retreats it for vulpix.I attack for 30and he retreats for charmander.10 life left on Scyther so I retreat my fully pumped one on the bench.30 damage and his charmander is dead.Thats how it turns out!I wreck his vulpix and charmander with Scyther.
Match 2 VS psychic deck
He had a good idea but he had barely no energy.He got an abra out as active and attacked to paralyze on my Farfetch'd.He did that for about 4 turns then I got a Venusaur that was fully pumped.My poor Farfetch'd died and so I brought out Venusaur.killed abra with Solar Beam.He had a lot of pokemon out but no energy.I killed a jynx,2 kadabras,1 Drowzee,and 1 gastly.Finally I got all my prizes.We shook hands and he promised when we play achother again ,he will have more energy.I wish him good luck.
Match 3 VS haymaker(YES!!)
He had a very good haymaker but it was no match for my deck.He had hitmonlee's in there too.They gave me a little trouble but not much.He started out with 2 Hitmos and 2 Electabuzz.He went first and attacked me for 20 on my Spearow.I peck for 10.It goes on for a while because he's doing 10 damage to me every turn while I'm doing the same.I finally win but I have 10 life left.He brings Electabuzz out and kills my poor Spearow.I bring out a Ivysaur and poisonpowder.I win again because of the poison.He then brings out a Graveler and attacks for 10 but before I do 40 damage to him and poison him.I bring out Pidgeotto and attack and soon he's dead.Hitmonlee attacks my bench about 3 times in which he kills a Farfetch'd.He finally dies and so he brings out an Electabuzz.That kills my Pidgeotto so I bring out Scyther.In 2 turns I then attack for 60 and he brings my Scyther down to 10 on his turn.I kill his Electabuzz so I win!!I'm happy because this is a Gym leader that I fought.That was tough!It's almost time for me to go but I decide to play 1 more battle.
Match 4 VS Zap deck.
This was too easy!He attacks with Mewtoo so I block with Scyther and it does 20 damage to me.I attack for 60 and he's dead.The rest of his pokemon were Pikachus(hehe).they were no match for Bulbasaur.
I go home happy.Next week I'll report again!
This is Kevin Lindsay signing off.
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