NAME: Yoshi007
TOURNAMENT: Pokemon TCG League
LOCATION: Toys R Us of Saginaw, Michigan
DATE(S): September 26, October 2 (1999 of course)
RECORD: Sept. 25 = 3-0 ; Oct. 2 = 4-0

3 Squirtle
2 Wartortle
1 Blastoise
3 Poliwag
2 Poliwhirl
3 Nidoran (M)
2 Nidorino
1 Nidoking
3 Dratini
2 Dragonair

3 Bill
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch
3 PlusPower
2 Energy Removal
2 Pokemon Breeder

12 Water Energy
8 Grass Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy


1st Round: I faced one of my friends in a match. With the help of Dragonair,
my opponent's energy drained easily and I won the match. The only win came
from Charizard, but my Dragonair came in and hyper-beamed all energy away,
then attacked with Slam to defeat him. At the end, my friend had 4 prizes
2nd Round: My next challenge was against someone with a pre-constructed
Brushfire deck. My water team decimated his deck easily with no problem. My
opponent still had 3 prizes left.
3rd Round: My other friend (I brought two with me) battled me just after the
last match. I got a good hand- Squirtle, Poliwag, two Water Energy, Breeder,
Switch, and Wartortle. My Wartortle ruined 3 of his Pokemon, but I was
attacked by a Jolteon. Earlier I got a Nidoran and Nidoking. So I used
breeder to make him active, fully power him up, and special thanks to
Nidoking's Toxic, I wasted the other half of Pokemon. My opponent had 4
prizes left when I defeated him.


1st Round: My first round was a perfect match against a Fire and Fighting
deck. I got a quick draw of Dragonair and Blastoise, who made a wonderful
team. Dragonair, with the help of Energy Removal, destroyed most of the
energy the opponent had. He drew no more energy after that, and all he had on
his bench were Charmeleon, Charmander, Machop, and Sandshrew. They were
defeated quickly.
2nd Round: This round was not as easy. We each got down to three prizes
remaining in slow time, but he noticed that he had no more basic Pokemon, so
I won the match. His deck was Water and Lightning.
3rd Round: My friend challenged me for a rematch from last week (1st Round).
Once again, I won by 3 prizes. All his power Pokemon were at the bottom of
his deck, including Charizard and Venusaur.
4th Round: This round nearly got pitiful at the start if it weren't for Bill.
I only drew a Nidoran, until I got a Bill, and received a Dratini and Double
Colorless Energy. In my next 6 cards drawn I got Dragonair, more energy, and
Poliwag/Poliwhirl. I tore through the opponent's Pokemon and drew all my
prizes before the opponent got to draw two.

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