This deck is awsome!!! hehe..... Well it's very hard to play,  but if you
got the skills to use it then it is really good, I got bored of my other deck
because it takes forever so i created a fast kill deck..

    I played in a pokemon leauge. This deck is about switching damage
counters on opponents bench and active pokemon with gengar and hypno and try
and kill two pokemon at once with dark mind and curse well here it is

4x Drowzee
4x Hypno
4x Gastly     (Fossil)
3x Haunter  (Fossil)
3x Gengar   (Fossil)

3x Computer Search
4x Bill
2x Energy Removal
2x Super Energy Removal
2x Professoar Oak
3x Gambler
3x Gust of Wind
3x Switch

20x Psyhic Energy

    I went on Saturday, I filled up my badge book and my ultra stall deck was
getting bored so i created this, it's wicked good...

Round 1
    My cousin Alan hehe..... He played haymaker he got out a hitmochan and i
got a gastly i licked and paralized it, He bills two times and put down mr.
mime and scyther and scooped up hitmochan and put him out again (scyter free
retreat) and jab .... he forgot da resistance....My turn I evolved my drowzee
to hypno and evolve my gastly to haunter and put an energy on it and attack
for 20 hitmochan fell asleep...His turn he draw and put an energy on scyther
and he's done.... My turn i'd put a energy on haunter and attack for 20 again
then (3 turns later) hypno is pumped and i retreated my gengar for my hypno
and started doing the dark mind combo i moved a counter from scyther to mr.
mime and dark mind so his scyther got 30 and mr. mine got 20 he slashed my
hypno it's at 60 i moved a damage counter from scyther to mime and dark mined
and the mime died ... now he slashed with 3 pluspowers!!! so it died and i
still got my gengar dark mind for da win!!!!

    Ronnd 2
My sister she used my ultra stall and i lost!!!!!!!!!!! U can figure it out
she got 3 CHANSEYS!!!!!!!!!

    Round 3
Beginner!!!!!!!! he played psyhic!!! (weakness) i only used my ghost pokemon
and well let's just say it was over kill!!!! He only got out jynx and only
did double slaps he got the most unlucky flips none was heads!!!!

    Round 4
Da gym leader that wanted revenge because i killed him too many times with my
ultra stall, raindance, and potpourri decks hehe he stinks!!!!! He used his
gym deck fighting and fire think about it people 3 machops and 1 charmander
aganst 2 gengar and 1 hypno... u do the thinking...I killed all his machops
with gengar than he got a charmelon .... whiched killed my hypno and i
finshed him off with the gengar

    Round 5,
Dis lil kid, i made his deck it's lighting. He got a mad lucky had 3
electabuzz and energies!!!!! and all i got was my lil drowzee gambler is kool
i got heads!!! than bam!!!! 2 gastlys and i pound!!! pound baby pound!!!!!!
it got killed in da second turn but i got haunters!!!! so i got them all to
go to sleep and i just gotta say haunter rules!!!!!!!!! it's very hard to
kill one He got trouble with his energies and he kept on drawing it.... While
i killed him with my haunter and than gengar.....

    Then my mom came and made me go home but hey i was
undeafeted.............well sorta....comments or anything e-mail me at sam