Hi this is Greg Reporting in again! I played at Waddingtons Doll and toy
house on Oct 8.The store is in Saint John, New Brunswick. It wasnt really a
tourney, just find anyone and play them.Well heres my deck, but I made a
few minor changes to my deck since i got some fossil cards.
3 Hitmonchan
3 Farfetch'd
2 Machop
1 Scyther
1 Aerodactyl
1 Hitmonlee
 3 S.E.R
 2 E.R
 2 Item Finder
 2 Pokemon Flute
 Scoop Up
 Comp. Search
 2 Prof Oak
 1 Trader
 1 Mysterious Fossil
 2 Switch
 2 Bill
 3 G.O.W
 2 Plus Power
 22 Fighting energy
 3 dub colorless
 Again, the goal remains the same, knock out your opponents low Hp pokemon
by getting them out against your good pokemon, or get out ones with
weakness to you.
Battle One Me vs Electric
This should be easy
In my hand I got Hitmonchan, and Farfetch'd, so i put out Hitmonchan
against his Jungle Pikachu. He goes first. He lays energy on his Benched
Electabuzz then it was my turn. His pikachu was no match for my Hitmonchan
and a pluspower. My prize was S.E.R. His turn puts out Electabuzz.He does
30 to me, 10 to himself after attaching an electric energy. My turn I S.E.R
electabuzz, G.O.W out magnemite and kill. my prize is fighting energy. He
puts out Electabuzz with no bench. He attaches energy and does pokeball. It
fails.Yes!He does thundershock, and no paralysis. I use Item Finder to get
back Plus Power, then comp search to get another pluspower. Use both, and
then he dead! Yes! I win his 1st edition Golem!
This match was against the first kid i played last week, with the
fire/water deck. He now has a mono/water deck going its not very good,
because hes just a beginner!
Battle 2 Me vs Mono/Water
He puts out his Squirtle I put out, i put out my Scyther with Jigglypuff on
bench. I go first. Lay double colorless on Scyther and its his turn. He lay
energy and does bubble. No paralysis. I put a fighting down on Scyther,
slash, he's dead due to weakness.My prize is Prof Oak. He puts out
Lickitung. I oak and get Hitmonlee AND Hitmonchan! I put them on my bench.
Retreat Scyther for free put out Hitmonchan and attach fighting. G.O.W out
his Jigglypuff and do 40 damage. He E.R's my Hitmonchan, and does Lullaby
and I'm asleep, but I wake up because of the flip. Attach another fighting
and he done prize is Fighting Energy.Puts out Lickitung toungue wrap, no
paralyze.My turn, I attach another fighting and do 40 damage. He E.R's me
agins, and does tongue wrap, no paralysis(my lucky day with flipping!).
Then its my turn. I Comp Search for a Plus Power, and hes dead. I win his
Pokemon Breeder! That adds to my collection. Only 8 more and I have the
first set!
This whol day i havent got any pokemon knocked out. Thats pretty good for
Battle 3 Me vs Psychic Deck
This one could be hard...
I get a Machop  and mysterious fossil. I go first. All he has is Abra. I
Comp Search for a Plus Power.
Not his lucky day. Plus Power on Low Kick and He's done. I won his Raichu
fossil non-holo from it too!
Me vs the BOO CHEATER guy from last time.
Battle 4  Me vs Fighting Electric
I put out farfetch'd, and he puts out normal Pikachu. He foes first. He
does Lass, and all my trainers are gone. Darn! Then gnaw for 20 damage due
to weakness. I put down a fighting energy, and plus power(the card I drew).
Then he argues again, but i said I have fighting energy, which is
resistance, so he let it slide, leek slap hes dead. Prize is Oak, and he
puts out Geodude. I get mysterious fossil, Aerodactyl, and hitmonchan, rest
fighting. I evolve Mysterious fossil. Double colorless on farfetch'd, and
30 damage. He attaches a fighting and E.Rs my double colorless. My turn I
retreat farfetch. Hitmonchan+ fighting energy= a dead geodude. Yes I win
and i an still undefeated. I get his crappy fossil Geodude., oh well.
This was really fun night. I bought some more fossil packs. i got
Dragonite, another Aerodactyl, and Moltres. I also got a CHARIZARD from a
normal pack! I sold it and bought more fossil. I got Zapdos holo, Raichu
holo, non holo Hypno and other good ones. Now its time for  the part of the
Report...SLOPS and PROPS
to the girl the gave me Chansey for A little flareon sticker!
the store, for giving 1 free booster for everyone that bought 5 or more
me getting Another Aerodactyl
My friend coming and getting Imakanus Doduo in a japanese pack!
to the guy for not yelling BOO CHEATER this time
to my other friend for not coming with me cuz his favorite T.V show was on
the store for buying my charizard for only 25 dollars
to me for leaving the store, forgetting my little sister at there!

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