Card Crate
205 E High
Mooresville, Indiana
phone: n/a
Local Large-Scale Tournament
Saturday, 10/09/99 & Monday 10/11/99 at 1:00 PM & 4:00 PM
Total Participants-16

This particular Saturday I wanted to celebrate John Lennon's birthday by
winning and was feeling kind of confident in my deck, since I had just gotten
the Fossil packs the week before, so i decided to throw in a few new cards
and go to the tourney at my local store and test out my new cards. I guess
they must be pretty good, because I won, but anyways, here goes the report:

Wicked Nightmares
Psychic Energy:                     x24
Double Colorless Energy:       x4
Gastly (basic)                          x4
 Haunter (basic)                      x3
  Gengar                                 x2
Snorlax                                  x1
Mr. Mime                                x2
Spearow                                x1
Jigglypuff                              x3
 Wigglytuff                            x1
Exeggcute                             x3
 Exeggcutor                          x2
Bill                                        x2
Gust of Wind                         x1
Switch                                  x3
Energy Removal                   x3
Computer Search                 x1

For the rules of the tournement- 30 minute time limit, double
elimination, and the word of the head judge (Anthony) goes. I ended up
with a total of 5 rounds. Listed below is the tournement set up
(unfortunately i didn't get to find out about the second round bracket
and only included the first bracket):

Round 1 [ (*) = winner]
Craig Green~~~ (*)
Joe Thompson~
Nate (me)~~~ (*)
Jason ???~ ~

Jordan Suthe ~ (*)
J. Coleman~~~          

Mary ??? ~~~~~~
Caleb McKinney~ (*)

Josh ???~~~~~~ (*)
??? Kenworthy~

"Stonie" Gardner~ (*)
J.C. ???~~~~~~~~

T. Taylor ~~~~~
Jon Thompson~ (*)

Sarah W.~~ (*)
Jamie ???~                       
Round 2
Nate ~ (*)

Jordan~ (*)

Josh ~~
Stonie~ (*)

Sarah~ (*)

Round 3
Nate~~~ (*)

Stonie~ (*)
Sarah ~

Round 4
Nate ~~ (*)

Round 5
Nate ~
Craig~ (*)

Round 6
Nate ~ (*)
-Round 1 vs Jason ??? with a Fire Charizard Deck
I started out good with Exeggcute and Snorlax on my bench, and Gastly
as my active. I really don't know what strategy he had, but whatever it
was, it didn't work fast enough. I put the Haunter I had in my hand on
second turn and then used both Bills and pulled out my Gengar third
turn. From there I killed of his weak pokemon while he scrambled to get
energy for his Charizard which he happened to get on his bench soon. I
moved some damage around, and the Charizard was gone. From there it was
over for him. I finished off a Charmander as my last prize.

-Round 2 vs Craig Green with Fire/Psychic Deck
Again I started out good with a Mr. Mime, a Jigglypuff, a Wigglytuff,
two (yes, TWO!) Double Colorless, and two psychic energy in my hand. I
played the Jigglypuff as my active and put Mr. Mime on the bench. He
also put a Jigglypuff as his active and put a Chansey and an Abra on
his bench. He won the flip and went first. He put me to sleep and
to do so until he got an Alakazam. We traded around pokemon with
Switches and Gust of Winds several times. It finally ended up with me
getting out my Mr. Mime (now with 3 psychic energy) against his
Alakazam. I was down to 2 prizes and he had a Chansey, a Charizard,
and the Alakazam out. I kept hitting Alakazam for 20 with Mr. Mime
until he had his Charizard down to 10 HP left. I then used one of my
two Gust of Winds in my hand and brought out his Charizard, killed it
then did the same to Alakazam, winning the game.
-Round 3 vs Jordan Suthe with an Electric/Fighting Haymaker Deck
His hand ended up with only one basic in it, and it was Diglett. I put
a Jigglypuff and put a Double Colorless on it. We flipped and found I
would go first. I pounded him the first turn, then he used dig on me
for 20. I pounded him again, and the match was over.
-Round 4 vs "Stonie" Gardner with a Grass Deck
This was one tough match! It was a great battle between his Scyther
and Pinsir vs my Snorlax and Exeggcutor as he slaughtered my weaker
pokemon with Gust of Winds, but when I finally got Gengar and
Jigglypuff out, I soon took out his Scyther and other pokemon by
sleep :) While he was busy snoring away, I was busy moving damage
counters around. Needless to say, I was lucky I survived with two
prizes left. Energy removal saved me, too. 

-Round 5 vs Craig Green with a Fire/Psychic Deck
Craig again. And it looked as though he wanted his revenge. Well, he
got it. My starting hand contained three of my four Gastlys and an
Exeggcute. By his third turn, I was pretty much screwed, I had only
Double Colorless, and he had a Charizard with five energy (two Double
Colorless and a psychic), and since he had already knocked out one of
my Gastlys by that time, I had no chance. I drew nothing of any use,
and Craig had his revenge. Since that was my first loss though, I had
to play him again for the final match.
-Round 6 vs Craig Green with a Fire/Psychic Deck
Again, I had to face Craig, not something I look forward to in
tournements around here. Well, luckily, he pulled a bad hand and I
pulled an okay hand. I had two Energy Removals, Snorlax, two Double
Colorless, Gastly, and Exeggcute. I went first and drew a Bill, used
that and got an Exeggcutor and my other Bill. I Billed again, and got
Gengar and Computer search. I pumped up my Snorlax and knocked out
three of his pokemon before he got anything of much use. He finally got
a Jigglypuff on his bench and his Snorlax in play with a Double
Colorless and two psychic energy. He knocked out my Snorlax first, but
I tossed an Energy Removal and a Spearow to get my Haunter. Once I had
Gengar out I put in my Exeggcutor (now with four psychic energy), and
put my last Double Colorless on him. I used Big Eggsplosion to deal a
lot of damage and then whatever I didn't kill initially, I just moved
damage to his weak pokemon like Charmander. I ended up using Gengar to
kill his Jigglypuff for the last prize.   

Well, I only lost once, and I won the tournament, so I came out happy.
I won two packs of First Edition Fossil and two packs of Basic out of
the whole thing.

Gengar- Definite MVP. Great card. I sure am glad I got Fossil.

Mr. Mime- Close runner-up. Definitely lived up to its reputation.


I guess that pretty much wraps it up. I am hoping to get some more
Fossil soon and maybe make a different type of deck built around bench
attacks. Until next time....

Sintari (