I attended a tournament yesterday, I was the only undefeated pokeplayer there. I'm quite sorry that I don't know any of the names of my opponants, but hopefully you won't care. The tourny was held at KG's Cards and collectibles. On Oct. 9, In St. Cloud, MN. There was nine people there. But there was 10 rounds of round robin, and we went with the best record. Mine was 10-0, so I feel I did pretty good. We played best 2 out of 3 games. There was no entry fee, so I only won a bottle of pop. SWEEET! Well, here's the deck and then the report.
4 Hitmonchan
4 Electabuzz
3 Doduo
2 Dodrio
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
3 Scoop Up
2 Pluspower
2 Bill
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Professer Oak
2 Computer Search
1 Pokecenter
1 Switch
1 Item Finder
1 Double Colorless
9 Lightning
11 Fighting
Once again, I don't remember the names of my opponents, so I'm sorry
Round 1--This real scrubby kid with a crappy grass deck
    I started nice both games, I got 'Chan And buzz, and the right energy. He was packing rattata so I used 2 gust of wind both for rattata and jabbed. Then he kept thinking this persian was going to do something, but it didn't. HE put it out on purpose for my sixth prize???
Games 2-0 --- 1-0 Total
Round 2 --- The store owner with a nice scyther grass deck
    He was having energy problems his whole game, his scyther kept swords dancing but I removed it every time. I kept doing 10 damage with spacial punch until he had enough on him to bring out buzz and put it away. In the second game his scyther slashed dodrio twice and I killed his scyther with rage, his only pokemon, he gave me the win.
Game 4-0 Total 2-0
Round 3 -- This fat kid with a fighting deck totally relying on his Machamp
    He didn't have a chance. I kept out doduo with that resistance until I could stack my buzz. Then I put him out. In the second game he didn't attack me once, but I almost killed myself, He used strikes back and I kept flipping tails on thunderpunh, doing a smooth 20 damage to myself every turn. But I was able to kill him off.
Game 6-0 Total 3-0
Round 4 --- This kid with a fire deck that was just a bunch of Charmanders that did a whopping 10 damage a pop
I won't even report on this both games I special punched and jabbed I think 2 or 3 charmanders both games, he just had a dead pile of charmanders in his graveyard with their tails burning each other. Easy Easy Win.
Game 8-0 Total 4-0
Round 5 -- This Chinese guy with a good flying deck
    This was probably the only hard round of the tournament. I drew jack both games. Hitmonchan couldn't do anything against his resistance. And I couldn't find buzz or electric energy. But he was stupid, he used whirlwind I put out a buzz when I finially got it and killed him.
Game 10-0 Total 5-0 I here on noticed I wasn't going to be beat.
Round 6- lots of fat kids in this tourny hers another with this ditto colorless
     He got ripped off, all his pokemon were weak to my chan, I i just ran on the energy, It was a circus. It was over in 40 seconds.
Game 12-0 Total 6-0
Round 7- Another colorless deck, another fat kid
    This kid's colorless deck had birds in it, but that's where buzz comes in. I concentrated on buzz the whole game and oaked a lot to keep the energy flowin'. But another quick game, thank to me getting another weakness.
Game 14-0 Total 7-0
Round 8- This electric deck, with this one guy i never seen before
     Again I found the weakness, but I did have trouble with his Zapdos, since I wasn't able to retreat chan. I finally did, got out buzz and dealt serious damage.
Game 16-0 Total 8-0
Round 9- This guy had a confusion deck that did pretty well
    He kept using lickitung and koffing but I was able to find a couple pluspowers and special punches to kill him off. It was kind of a difficult match. Confusion decks are pretty good against this type of deck. But I won the first two games.
Game 18-0 Total 9-0
Round 10- This is nice I finish with this joke 8 year old kid with a bunch of charmander, little kids like those charmander
It's nice to finish with a 5 minute round, that's what I did. Doduo started out kind of slow but I finally got a buzz and chan to kill them off.
Game 20-0 Total 10-0
I can't believe I did this, 20-0 This deck is a complete monster. Besides this tournament I don't even lose to my friends. I suggest you try it out and tell me about it...  epriz15@hotmail.com