Hey Pojo,
I participated on Sunday 10/10/99 , at the Collectors Guild in $%^$%'@) (i'm
too paranoid to give the city), Massachusetts. About 6 people participated
(it's getting smaller =/, less compition) Anyway, I got some Fossil packs and
added a Moltres to my deck so here's my new deck and tournament results.

1 Moltres
1 Electabuzz
1 Pidgey
1 Pidgeotto
1 Pidgeot
1 Kangaskhan
1 Farfetch'd
1 Spearow
1 Fearow
1 Jigglypuff
1 Wigglytuff
2 Snorlax's (because he's good)
1 Doduo
1 Dodrio
1 Lickitung
1 Chansey

2 Energy Retrieval's
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Pokédex,
1 Professor Oak
2 Bill's
1 Defender
1 Revive
1 Energy Removal
1 Gust of Wind
1 Super Potion
1 Recycle
1 Switch
1 Plus Power
2 Potion's

16 Fire Energies
9 Electric Energies
1 Double Colorless Energy

Tourney Results:

Round 1: Ryan, with Water/Fire deck. Ryan didn't exactly know how to play so
I had to show him the basics but he had a good deck. This was the easiest
battle of the tourney for me because I got my snorlax out at the beginning. I
loaded up Snorlax with three fire and one electric energy and went to work
first taking out his Tentacool with one Body Slam. Next round was my Snorlax
against his Charmeleon. Too bad Ryan didn't have any energies in his hand. My
Snorlax eliminated his Charmeleon with the Body Slam attacks. The next card
he picks up is his Charizard, I feel bad (but hey, that's how it goes). He
sends out Seadra with no energies and Snorlax paralyzed him with Body Slam
and won that round. The next three rounds I use my Snorlax to finish everyone
off. He used his Growlithe, his Magmar, and his Squirtle the next three
rounds. That was the first battle that I only had to use one Pokémon. Thank
you Snorlax!!!
Record 1-0

Round 2: Julie (my sister) with Water/Psychic. I was feeling pretty lucky
when I got my Kangaskhan out right away and took care of her Magikarp. She
then sent out Tauros. I did 40 Damage to Tauros with Comet Punch so of course
she uses Rampage and takes out my Kanagkhan. I send out my fully loaded
Electabuzz and use Thunderpunch. I flip and get heads Tauros is gone. Julie
sends out Alakazam. I retreat Electabuzz and send out my trusty Snorlax.
Snorlax has 3 energies on him, luckily I have an energy in my hand. I attach
it and use Body Slam. Alakazam is paralyzed. After my sister draws I use Body
Slam and paralyze Alakazam again. After that I use Body Slam, again, and
Alakazam is gone. My sister sends out Gyarados but I use Gust of Wind and
make her send out Tentacool. Snorlax takes care of him with one Body Slam. My
sister sends out Gyarados again and wins that round. I send out Moltres and
attack. I get heads on Dive Bomb. My sister uses Dragon Rage and I use Dive
Bomb and get heads (lucky me!). I win that battle. My sister sends out her
last basic left, Abra. I retreat Moltres and send out Snorlax. Abra is
history. I win that battle but I want to thank me sister for putting up a
good fight.
Record 2-0

Championship!!: John (my friend) with Grass/Fire deck. John sends out Magmar
at the beginning and I send out Electabuzz. After winning the coin toss I
attach an energy to Electabuzz and use Thundershock. Magmar's paralyzed.
Magmar didn't have any energies anyway so it didn't matter. My Electabuzz
keeps on Thundershocking it and then I use Thunderpunch and Magmar's outta
there. I have a fully loaded Moltres on my bench and I have Dodrio out there
too. John sends out his last basic (too bad!) Weedle. I retreat Electabuzz
and send out Moltres. I use Dive Bomb and get tails. That's okay though.
John's Weedle uses Poison Sting and gets heads. I'm poisoned. I use Dive Bomb
and get heads. It's all over. I win the tourney and receive $20 and a pack of
1st edition fossils which I got a non-holo Gengar, Golbat, Magmar, Psyduck,
Grimer, Energy Search, Gastly, Ekans, Horsea, Tentacool, and Slowpoke. Julie
came in second (she beat some short blonde kid) and won $10 and a pack of
Basic cards.

My name is SSBizkit18
 To contact me <a href="mailto:SSBizkit18@aol.com">Click here</a>

thank you Pojo,