Hey all of you pokemon masters! I consider myself a really good deck builder because i played Magic The Gathering.I'm really good at organizing my list and telling about my tournament so that people can actually understand it.I only played five rounds.
  My deck goes something like this,
30 water energy
 2-Computer Search
    Round one:The girl had an all electric deck,this has the advantage over me,but I still kicked he but.I only played her pokemon twice because she only had 5 basic pokemon Blastoise did all the work.
     Round two:This round was too easy.He had a pretty good deck of fire and water but as you and i know,they don't mix.I donamated him quickly with my Gyarados and Claifairy.
    Round three:by this time there only four people left in the tournament.I played a guy with with all types of pokemon.It was a bit tuff because he had all basic pokemon but he never got the energy he needed.
    Round four:This guy had a haymaker but with my raindance deck,it was a long time befor the game ended, I came out victoureous.My Clafable helped me out alot in that match.
    Round five:I played the store manage.He had a sort of haymaker and raindance deck mixed together.I thought my winning deck would be defeded but with one prize both left,i drew a gyarados,since i had had a magikarp in play and four energy on him,I used blubblebeam and paralyzed him for 40 then killed him on his next turn.
    I won 50 dollars and 5 jungle packs,5 normal first edition packs.I opened two normal packs and guss what,I got a first edition CHARZARD,and a first edition Blastoise YES
Deck name:Hydrodance of the Water Worlords
Name:Luke Campbell
E-mail me at luke123@nbnet.nb.ca
Please send this in,Thanks for reading it.
I live in Quispamsis New Brunswick and played on October 9th at the colaniel center