This was my 1st dci santioned tournament for pokemon
I have played in several magic touranments but never
pokemon so I wasnt expecting to do good. I bought a
brushfire and blackout decks some jungle,regular and
fossil booster packs and I ripped off a bunch of
little kids in trades. I played in a hobby store
called the War Room its in Lilburn Ga. The tourney was
on sunday started at 3:00 sunday there were about 25
people competing most of the people were older than me
like around 13-15 im only 12

 Well this was my deck
29 pokemon
3 charmanders 
2 charmelions
3 charizards
3 vulpix
3 ninetales
1 growlithe
1 arcanine
3 squirtle
2 wartortle
1 blastoise
1 seel
1 dewgong
2 magikarps
2 gyrados
1 kanghaskan
21 energys
5 double colorless
10 fire energy
6 water energy

10 trainers
1 pokemon breeder
2 bills
1 computer search
1 gambler
2 super energy removals
3 super potions

my 1st match was super easy

he got his butt kicked I think he was around 7 to 8
years old. He had a blackout deck I think he just
bought it or something. Well I drew a magikarp and
gyrados and some double colorless and energy that was
all I needed.He kept on bringing out machops and got
out his only holo hitmonchan I just kept on doing
Dragon rage and killed him in like 15 min.

2nd match was against a true blue chubby cheek geek

He forfeited the tourney because he had to go eat

3rd match was fairly easy it was against a 14 year old
who had a lighting fire deck

In the beginning i got a seel and quickly evolved him
into a dewgong but he evolved his pikachu into a
raichu but he kept on damaging himself and he 1st
knocked out dewgong but also knocked himself out. he
didnt have any benched pokemon but i put down a
charmander before i got knocked out so I won

4th match was really exciting he had a water fightning

I got my Charizard quickly evolved with a pokemon
breeder and loaded him up with 3 double colorless
energy I knocked out 3 pokemon but he brought out his
blastoise and started to kick my arse but then when i
thought all hope was lost I brought out a gyrados and
killed his blasotise. later on we both only had 1
prize each and his articuno had 10 hp left and i
killed him with a vulpix. 

finals this match was really hard he had a water
thunder deck

I got my butt kicked fast

I quicly evolved my blastoise but he already stocked
up his zapdos and knocked me out really fast. I loaded
a ninetales and he brought out his blastoise and he
knocked out ninetales i had no benched pokemon.

It was a really fun tournament and I got a zap deck
and 1 fossil 1 jungle and 1 regular booster pack.

thanx to all the kidsa at my church for teaching me
how to play
thanx to the war room for organizing a fun tourney.
thanx to the pojo for making a great site 
and thanx to my friend Chris for naming the deck took
a really long time to make deck.

 if you have any questions comments concerns email me