Hey everyone! This is my most recent and KILLER deck! I got 1st place at
a local tourney at Palm bay, FL at a place called Creative Magic and
Costumes. It's a new place. There were only about 6 people there. The prizes
were 2 boosters Magic or Pokemon. Without further waiting here's my new deck!

23 Fire Energy

Pokemon:  21
2 Charizards
3 Charmeleons
3 Charmanders
2 Vulpix
1 Ninetales
2 Growlithes
1 Arcanine
1 Arcanine (JAP)
2 Flareon
3 Eevee
1 Moltres (JAP Fossil)

Trainers:  16
2 Energy Removal
3 Energy Retrievals
2 Bills
3 Potions
2 Gust of Wind
2 Switches
2 Comp. Searches

Tourney Results:

Round 1: Me vs. Mark All grass Deck (hee hee!)
    This match was a breeze! I had 2 Charmanders and good ol Moltres! He had
Bulbasaur and a Scyther. He sent out Scyther. I go first. I sent out
Charmaner. Scratch. He has no energy. Scratch again. He draws an energy.
Swords dance even though it wouldn't help. Next turn scratch he's dead.
Prize: Bill. He sent out Bulbasaur. I used Ember and killed him. Prize:
Growlithe I had a Jap Arcanine. I had already won cause he had no basics so
it didn't help. WIN

Round 2: Me vs. Blinky PSI deck
    This was a hard match. In his first hand he had a Mr. Mime and an Abra. I
had a Charmander and Vulpix. I go first. I put out Charmander and he puts out
Mr. Mime. I added an energy and scratched. He had no energy. I added another
energy and used Ember and killed him. Prize: Ninetales i really needed that
because he had drawn an Alakazam and and had a Comp. Search. Next turn I drew
an eevee. I switched Charmander out and put out Eevee and Tail Wagged. Heads.
Added an energy. Next turn added an energy and quick attacked him. Tails.
CRAP!! Oh well... he draws a... energy. Phew... no Kadabra. next turn I quick
attacked again and got heads! Abra's gone. Prize: Gust of Wind. He sent out
Alakazam... he used a breeder! He needed one more energy to attack. I Gust of
wind Mr. Mime, Quick Attack, heads. 10 more HP left. He just let me kill it
and I drew another prize. It was... energy. woo hoo. He sent out Alakazam and
30 damage only. I switched with Ninetales which I'd been putting all my
energy on and Fire Blasted him to hell! No more basics and I won!!
Round 3: FINALS Me vs. ??? Water Deck (gulp)
    It doesn't matter what happened cause he forfeited after his first hand
and I won!! I got 2 boosters and got a Clefairy Doll and an Electabuzz...
DAMN! Well that's all... any suggestions for my deck would be helpful. My
address is Cheezman13@AOL.com. Well... "Good Fight Good Night"