        I attended a tournament a few weeks ago at Big-League Cards in
Crownpoint Indiana.  Here's my deck-
The Disruptor

16 electric energy
7 Psychic energy
4 Dble energy
3Grass energy
2 Jungle Pikachu - great for taking out your oppenents injured benched
2 zapdos- to take put Pinsir and Tauros in 1 hit.  The Dirty Bird =)
4 electabuzz- great card and basic
3 Mr. Mime- great pokemon power ( don't get me wrong, it has good points
and bad points)
3 Scyther- great basic and can go in every deck
2 Tauros- GREAT CARD. Read its second move Rampage: 20+ the damage on
Tauros (make sure you take your oppenents basic outin 1 move).  This
(pokemon has saved me in some tough jams)
2 switch- you don't really want to throw away 3 energy to retreat Zapdos
3 gusts- great trainer.  bring in the small guys for easy victories
2 potion- gotta help your injured pokemon
2 sup. potion- same as potion
3 removal- great if oppenent's attck needs 2 energy to attack
2 retrieval- got to get some energy back

My strategy is to use Mr. Mime when bid guys come out, Electabuzz,
Scyther, and Zapdos for the small guys.  I can fight well against
fighting, and water (because of the scyther addition).
Best 2 out of 3 single elimination ( if that makes any sense. you wil
play a person.  you go 2 out of 3 games if you loose a set, your out)
This is how my pathetic tournament went....
Round 1
Me vs. Chris ( I think)
Game 1-This kid had a fighting and I think electric.  He couldn't get
any energy out so it was aneasy win.  My Scyther pretty much took out
both of his basics plus he had all fighting out so I also had resistance
if he got energy out.
Game 2-Same thing happened only that Electabuzz took out his few basic

Me vs. ?????? (I didn't quite catch his name)
Game 1- This was my first time going up against an Energy Removal deck.
He beat the crap out of me.  This kid had must have been drinking coffee
or something.  He was so jumpy.  Back to the report....  He got out
Poliwraths and Dragonairs and he kept doing Whirl Pool and Hyper Beam.
Between those two pokemon, super energy removal, and energy removal, I
had no energy and he took out pokemon after pokemon.
Game 2-  Same thing.  He got his Poliwraths and Dragonairs out really
fast.  No energy for me, and another win for him.  I am out of the
I don't really care that much that I lost.  It gave me something to
think about plus one guy that was watching my games was saying the kid
used an energy retrieval and got a double colorless energy.  Oh well.  I
decided not to go there any more.  I may go to another tournament real
soon.  Comments, questions, or if you just want to chat pokemon, you can
e-mail me at dd44001@ibm.net
Thanks you for your time.