The Flying Scorchin' Raindance

    Hey pojo this is my third and last report i will be sending to you this month. I was play at this huge tournament you might have heard about it at my local mall in North Carolina on december21. It was sponsered by nintendo and around 50 people showed up and it was single elimination so I knew new I had to play as good as i could i also knew i would be ranked 30 in the world or around there and the prize was all the theme decks and 20 fossi and jungle boosters.
    I have completely changed my deck all those cards were energy wsters and i sent it to the deck garage and they gave me a tip about using more trainers so i did i also got an aerodactle and it rock so heres the revised scorchin raindsance i hope you got the last two i sent in.




2xcomputer search

    Round1: Me agianst a sloppley put together haymaker-
This was the first time ever playing with an aerodactyle and wanted to use his pokemon power to kick some major but and on my first hand i got charmander, s.e.r., and wurturtle with a couple of energy's. I won the first go and put down charmander and did scratch on his farfech'd he then put an energy down but couldnt do nothing so i did scratch agian. I did not hav another energy so my turn and i finished him off with ember. He did brought out a scyther which was ok because hes grass. So he put an energy down and i put charmeleon his go he did not have an energy so i  put an energy down and did flamethrower for a k.o. His third pokemon was a haymaker great hitmonchan he  put an energy down and did jab i was down to 60, then it was my turn so i did flamethrower agian he was down to 20 he used an s.p. but didnt help because the following turn i did flamethrower but then he did special punch and brought me down to 20 but the following turn i killed him. His forth pokemon was another hitmonchan he put an energy down and killed me with jab. I had an aerodactyle but i knew hitmonchan could kill him so i decided to use ditto i put an energy on him and did jab. He did jab and  i was down to 50 i did jab agian and he went down to 30 but the he did special punch an broght me down to 10  but i killed him with special punch for my 4th kill. Then he brought out an  kabuto this is when i knew i needed to change to aerordactly know kabuto was an easy kill and that he couldnt change to kabutops whith my power i easily killed him with him hurting me only 10.i only neede 1 mor kill to advance to round to and i thought that my areodactyle could win it and i was right i completely tore apart hisgeodude with being hurt 20 but it didnt matter because i won.1-0 there were now only 24 people left because the person that won there game the fastest got a by.
    Round2:me agianst jhon with a well put together water fighting deck-
I started this round out with an aerodactyle/mysterious fossil and a warturtle and  charizard. So i placed my aero down agianst his magricarp he got first go so he put an energy down and did tackle i put one down he  did tackle agian then agian before i could do wing attack and a kill. He than put down an krabby and did iron grip an hurt me 20 i was than down to 10 so i put down a s.p. and on my next go i did wiong attack and brought him down to 20 he did iron grip and brought me down to 20 but i killed him my next go.but i got killed by a fully loaded machoke but i had i charmeleon whith 2 energys on him down and put another and did slash and on my nexturn i got charizard out and put one down and did fire spinfor the win i also k.oed 2  other pokemons and had one more to go till round 3 but i was hurt bad so i used my last s.p. because i was up agianst gravelerwith 1 energy and he put another energy down and did harden put it still didnt save him from fire spin so i advanced.2-0 i got extremely mad after this match because i could have gotten the by but i forgot aero had a resistance to fighting see what can happen if you r having fun.

    Round3:me agianst rick with a grass and water deck-
I wanted to get the by really bad this round because i was tired and hungry and needed a break so i tried getting blastoise or charizard out this round. And i did pretty good for the starting hand because i got out a warturtle and a blastoise alond with a ditto so i brought ditto agianst his nidorino it took 3 energys down to do double kick aqnd i got my three down first because i went first and i successfully did it with two heads and 1 k.o.he then brought ekans and tried to poison me but didnt and i did horn drill for the k.o. i also got out an squirtle but he got out a gryarodos i swiched pokemons to blasoise with two energies on him agianst an uncharged gyrados  he put an energy so did i and i did hygropump and did 70  he put an other but i killed him the next go. along with three easy wins agianst 2seels and geodude but i did have to use 2potions.3-0 i didnt get a by but it didnt matter and 2 people got kicked out for using fake pokemon cards so there were now 4 left.

    Round4:me agianst a water deck-
This deck seemed like it had all energies and 3 pokemons i dont no how he mad it this far because i got aero out and killed 2 goldeens and then he had no more basics which gave me the win by a forfiet.4-0 this is where i got my luch and rest for the big game.

    Round5 the championship:agianst a all kinds deck-
I had a lot running on this game so i played my best and got the best stating hand i got all day with a charmander charmeleon and ditto and I placed my charmeleon and placed an energy on it, then he placed one on his poliwirl. I then used c.p to find charizard and i placed him down and put an energy he then used amnesia but i couldnt use fire spin ne ways so i put an energy down  then he did double slap but only got 1 heads and it did 60 but i killed him the next go he then but caterpie down and died and then i used s.p. and killed 3 more cards which were pinsir and 2 executes. And for the  win i had to use a potion to fight a pinsir and eventually won with only 20h.p left. Yessssssss i was 5-0 ranked 30 in the world and gave my prizes to my bro

Thanks for reading it pojo kenny graham,