This is one of my favorite decks to use, it features Eevee and it's

Pokémon (22)
4 Eevee
4 Vaporeon
4 Flareon
4 Jolteon
2 Promo Pikachu (from joining the league)
1 Base Raichu (60 damage attack)
2 Vulpix
1 Ninetales (80 damage attack)
Trainers (12)
2 Energy Retrieval (for discarded energy OBVIOUSLY)
4 Revive (To keep Eevee in play)
4 Energy Search (to get the correct energy)
Energy (28)
8 Water
10 Fire
10 Electric

I went to a store tournament at The Game Keeper in Mentor, OH. There I played
3 games, all were very long, and I only had 1 hour and 30 minutes to play.
The strategy here is to get an Eevee or Pikachu on your 1st draw and an Eevee
evolution.  The Raichu is a good stage 1 pokémon, and the Vulpix/Ninetales
evolution line is just for backup.

Game 1
Me vs. Amanda (with her grass/water deck)
    On my 1st turn I drew Vulpix, Flareon, Raichu, Energy Search, 2 fire
energy, and an electric energy. Amanda won the coin flip and sent out a
Clefairy and had a Grimer and a Ditto on her bench. I drew an Eevee and put
it on my bench. I added a Fire energy to Eevee and Amanda attached a double
colorless enrgy to Clefairy and put me to sleep. I drew another Eevee, put it
on my bench, and evolved the other Eevee into Flareon. I used Energy Search
and got a water energy in case I got a Vaporeon out. I attached another fire
energy to Flareon and let Amanda go. She attached another energy to Clefairy
and used Confuse Ray on Vulpix, and confused it. I drew a fire energy and
attached it to Flareon. I succeeded in retreating Vulpix and sent out
Flareon. I used Quick Attack and did 30 damage to the Clefairy. She used a
Super Potion on Clefairy and failed Sing. I attached another fire energy to
Flareon and knocked out Clefairy. Amanda sent out Grimer, attached a grass
energy to it, and didn't paralyze me, I attached another energy to Flareon
and knocked out Grimer. I drew another prize and it was a Ninetales. Her
Ditto transformed into me and then it was my turn. I drew an enrgy retrieval
and got back the 2 fire energys I discarded. I used Flamethrower on the Ditto
and she attached an energy to it. I then used Quick Attack on it and drew
another prize for knocking it out. She had run out of basic pokémon.
Game 2
Me vs. A Weird Kid (Fighting/Colorless deck)
    This game, he won the coin flip. The only basic pokémon I had was Pikachu
and he had a Snorlax out. He used Thick Skinned and attached a Double
Colorless energy to it. I attached an Electric energy to Pikachu and used
Growl. He attached another D.C.E. to Snorlax and used Body Slam. He did 20
damage to me and paralyzed me. I drew a card, and he Body Slammed me again. I
attached another energy to Pikachu and used Growl again. He used Body Slam
again and knocked me out. I then ran out of basic pokémon.
Game 3
Me vs. Gym Leader
    I won the coin flip this match and drew 3 Eevees, 1 Jolteon, 1 Vaporeon,
and 2 electric energy, I then drew an Energy Search for my turn, and I
searched for an electric energy.  I sent out Eevee, attached an electric
energy and used Tail Wag. I got heads and his Squirtle couldn't attack. I
evolved Eevee to Jolteon next turn and attached an electric energy to it. I
knocked out his Squirtle. I drew prize 1 and it was another Jolteon. He sent
out another Squirtle and evolved it into Wartortle. He attached a water
energy to it and then I drew an Energy Retrieval and attached my last
electric energy to Jolteon. I used Pin Missile and did 40 damage, but since
Wartortle has a weakness, I did 80 and knocked it out. The Gym Leader sent
out another Squirtle and I drew a water energy and attached it to Jolteon. I
used Pin Missile again and knocked him out. He sent out an Eevee and evolved
it into Vaporeon. I used Energy Retrieval and attached an electric energy to
Jolteon again, and knocked out the Vaporeon. I drew a 4th prize, a Raichu. He
had run out of basic pokémon and I had won.

- EeveeGirl