Total pokemon:14

4x..........Pro. Oak
4x..........Pokemon Breeder
2x..........Item Finder
2x..........Com. Search
2x..........Pokemon Trader
3x..........Scoop Up
Total Trainers:21

25x..........Water Energy

Name:Brady Watkins
Location of Tourny:Stillwater,Oklahoma
Store Name:Ivory and Steel
E-mail address:CYBERDOG2002@webtv.net

Saturday morning I wake up and I was egar
to go to the tourny.  The night before i had mad a blastoise deck and
played 3 different kids at Ivory and Steel the day before the tourny.
I had smocked all of them and one of them had won the last tourny with
the same deck I beat.

When I got to the tourny the next day , there was loads of people in the
tourny.  Some in there 30's and others as young as 8 yrs. old
was going to play in the tourny.  When i registured my hands were
trembing with excitment.  The prize for the tourny was:
A giant stuffed pikachu,6 packs of base set,
3 big stickers,the action flipz,and many more

==Round 1==
My first match was against a kid with a
twisted up haymaker.
my first hand was:1 blastoise, 1 squirtle,
professor oak, 2 water energy, and 1 articuno
and a computer search.
I got the most perfect hand ever!
I put squirtle as my active and articuno on my bench.First turn:draw a
water energy for the turn.play a water on squirtle.computer search the 2
water energy for a pokemon breeder and then did bubble attack. the flip
was heads.
his Hitmonchan was paralyzed.
he drew and played an energy on his hitmonchan and said go. (he didn't
Secon turn:draw for the turn and got a water energy.I then evolved to
blastoise with the breeder and raindanced for one on blastoise and then
professor oaked. I got a Lapras
a squirtle and the rest water energy.
Just what i hoped for. Blastoise has 2 water on him so i raindanced on
him for 3.  I put the other 2 energy on articuno and killed his
that was my first win of the tourny.

==Round 2==
My match number 2 was way mor difficult.
I played a kid with a stall deck.
(Just what i didn't want to have to fight against)
I drew my opening hand got a crapy draw.
i got a squirtle and a Lapras and the rest energy. I got to go first so
I drew a card and it was a bill, I played the bill and brew a blastoise
and a pokemon breeder.I put a water energy on my squirtle which was
active and attacked his Mr. mime for 10 damage and he was paralyzed.
he went and played an energy on his mr.mime and said to go.
second turn:i drew a professor oak that i was praying for, and then i
pokemon breeder to blastoise and raindance for 4 energy to my blastoise
and 1 to Lapras.I then professor oaked and drew an alright hand:1
articuno, a blastoise , a scoop up, a pokemon trader,and the rest water
energy.I then traded the blastoise for a Lapras and played the lapras
and the articuno on th bench.I raindanced the 3 water energy in my hand
to one of my articunos and then i scooped up the blasoise and put out my
2 energy Lapras and did confuse ray and fliped heads.he drew and played
an energy on his benched chansey and said go.
Third turn: I draw a card and play the energy
that i drew on my articunoand killed him since he was confused and his
power doesn't work.
i drew a bill for the prize.
his third turn:he drew and played a double colorless on chansey giving
it 3 energy total and he scrunched and it was tails.
(think god) .
My fourth turn:I drew a energy and played it on
on my benched lapras and retreated my active
to pull up my articuno with 4 energy on it.
i billed and drew energy again!
I put both on my Lapras i retreated this turn to put out articuno.  I
did blizzard and it was tails.
all my bench poke4mon took ten damage.
his fourth turn;he drew and placed a energy on chansey and double edged
me and we both die and i win.
==the semi finals==
in the semifinals i played a kid with a charizard deck.
I quickly won that game by knocking out his
only charmander with my Lapras on the secon turn.
==the finals==
I went to the finals wondering what type of
awsome deck my rival would play.  I thought
he would play a haymaker or stall deck but he had a deck of
3 type deck and he had mad it to the finals with it.  I couldn't believe
it myself.while laughing
we drew our first hand and i had out a squirtle and a lapras on the
bench and a Lapras active.
His active was  machop and on his bench he had a rattata.he went first
and low kicked me for 20 points of damage.I drew and i play an energy on
Lapras and water gun for ten.
he draws and plas an energy on rattata
and low kicks again.
  I drew a card and played an energy on Lapras
and confused him and he tok ten points of damage.he tried to low kick on
his turn but hit himself for 20 damage.
I went and killed his machop.
he brought up his rattataand evolved to raticate and put don a
doublecolorless energy and he did bit for 20.  My lapras has only 20
left so i put an energy on articuno and did confuse ray to him and he
was confuesd and he took ten.
he went and did nothing
my turn;i drew and played another energy on articuno and water guned for
20 more points.
we each had 0 points left and it was his turn
he drew and fliped to see if he could kill me and he did.My turn: i drew
and put an energy on articuno and freeze dried him and i won the
finals!!!If any one has any suggestions E-mail me
Thank you for reading my deck!

Name:Brady Watkins
thanx again!