

Hello, Pokemon Lady. My name is (withheld) and I am 13. First off I think you are a great mechanic (My favorite) and I love reading the decks you've fixed. I finally braved sending you a deck. This deck is called KangaKill! Its focus is to get Kangaskahn powered up fast, and then unleashing his comet punch and crushing opposition. Potions, super potion, and Alakazam help me remove damage, while switches give him a quick getaway. Fossil Gastly gets back those essential DCE while also dealing with Mr. Mime, Scoop up, and Pokemon Center are always great in a deck involving Alakazam. The psychic Pokemon can help fend off fighting, Kangaskahn's weakness. Kadabra is a good source of heavy attacking, and Pluspower is always great to use against Pokemon with odd HP.

In a deck revolving around him, if all 4 end up in prizes or at the bottom of the deck, defeats come when I cant get the Pokemon I need, Kangaskahn. I get into trouble fast because I'm not prepared to use anyone hut him as a combantant. I need some trainer help and possibly some suggestions on Pokemon to add or remove.

I know I should add multiples of some trainers like switch and scoop up, but whenever it comes to taking out things, I get STUCK badly because I have a use for everything. I notice when reading your reports you sometimes sacrifice energy... I have come to find that even with the large ammount of energy I put in a deck, I have energy dreains sometimes, and it leaes you absolutely helpless, especially with a deck like this this. Energy is my main trouble spot which needs some work.

Thank you for the time you spend helping out other people, and I understand if this takes a long while to get processed... thank you for any suggestions you can provide.

Ok, for starters, thank you for the very thourough deck strategy! Your strategy was incredibly helpful in knowing where to start on your deck!


Pokemon 17

4 Abra
3 Kadabra
2 Alakazam
4 Gastly (F)
4 Kangaskahn


3 Abra
2 Kadabra
2 Alakazam
3 Gastly (f)

4 Kangaskahn

Essentially, your Pokemon look fine--although, I would take the risk and remove one Abra and one Kadabra. Pulling your Abra line down to a 3-2-2 evolution. Yes, it can be kind of risky, but if you play your deck well, you shouldn't have too many problems. Also, if you aren't willing to use your other Pokemon for dealing damage, you could take out one Gastly. That will open up three spots for trainers. It does knock your available Pokemon down to 14, so be aware of the change. Play your deck a while, as the change might take some getting used to.



1 CPU Search
1 Poke Trader
1 Scoop-Up
1 Super E. Removal
4 Energy Retrieval
1 Poke Center
1 Professor Oak
1 Super Potion
4 Potion
1 Switch


3 Energy Retrieval
2 Scoop Up
2 Professor Oak
4 Potion
3 Switch
2 Mr. Fuji
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokemon Trader

Now, for your trainer situation. You were absolutely right that you need to add more than one of some of these cards... but, may I suggest for a moment that you evaluate why you have them in there. I usually suggest two of each of the following : Bill, Switch, Gust of Wind, and Oak--simply because I've played enough to know that these cards work, and they work well in almost every deck I've ever built.

Add 2 Gust of Wind, to bring up those low HP or high damaged Pokemon from your opponents bench. Use Kahn to take them out and give yourself quick prizes.

Now, you only have 1 CPU search, and 1 Pokemon Trader. Which do you need more? Probably you need the Pokemon Trader mroe, if you have trouble with not being able to get the Pokemon you need. Use Kangaskahn's fetch attack to your advantage. Drop one CPU search in favor of adding a Pokemon Trader. You don't lose any Pokemon that way, since you're trading 1 for 1 instead of discarding.

Now, let's look at your scoop-up. Scoop up is a great card, but you lose any energies attached to your Pokemon! Might I suggest an alternative? Try Mr. Fujis! Yes, you have to get your Pokemon to the bench, but once you've done that, you get a free scoop up and all the energies go back into your deck--illeviating some of that discomfort of energy loss. Add one Scoop-up, and add 2 Mr. Fujis. Fuji serves a dual purpose here. Not only do you have the energy saving power, but Fuji can act as a mini Pokemon Center in a pinch--without losing the energy. Take out the lone Pokemon Center--save yourself the energy.

Add 2 Switches to your deck to help with the retreat problem of Kahn. If he's damaged, drop a switch, take him to the bench, and then Fuji him back to your deck.

Now, since we've taken out most of the problem "energy discarding" trainers, you can cut your Energy Retrievals down from 4 to 3 or even from 4 to 2 safely. Add one more Professor Oak, and to even out your trainers.

Since you only have 1 Super Energy removal and 1 Super Potion, and they both require the discarding of energy, remove them... they can't really do you that much good all by themselves anyway.


22 Psychic

Now, I know that you think that you are going to have energy problems, but you've got (with DCE) a total of 30 energies right here.

We've taken care of most of the problem trainers that require energy discarding, and you still have energy retrievals to counter having to discard-- you can safely drop 3 Psychic energies in order to bring the total deck number down to 60.

So, what do we have for a final fix?

3 Abra
2 Kadabra
2 Alakazam
3 Gastly (f)

4 Kangaskahn


3 Energy Retrieval
2 Scoop Up
2 Professor Oak
4 Potion
3 Switch
2 Mr. Fuji
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokemon Trader


19 Psychic

Essentially, the basic premise of your deck stays the same... you have Kangaskan out there dealing mega damage, with Gastly (F) and Alakazam there to back you up, but now you have the trainers you need to get the cards you want; and, you don't have to worry so much about the discard of energy problem that you had before.

Try my changes, and drop me an email and let me know how the deck fix works for you. As I've said before, this is just one way that I would change things... a different person might do something else. Try it. See if you like it. If you do, great. If you don't--buzz me... tell me what isn't working, and we'll see how we can fix it again!