Deck Name: Psychic Transform
Deck Creator:
Deck Mechanic:

STRATEGY: This deck was forwarded to me from The Pojo himself. No strategy was submitted.


Original Deck






1 Slowpoke
1 Slowbro
1 Jynx
3 Drowzee
1 Hypno
2 Abra
2 Kadabra
2 Gastly
1 Haunter
1 Likitung
2 Jigglypuff
1 Wigglytuff
2 Mewtwo (p/b)
1 Ditto
1 Kangaskahn
1 Clefairy
1 Clefable

The first major suggestion I have for you is to find more than one multiple of some of these Pokèmon! This deck is, well, to say it nicely, a big, huge, mess! At this point, any changes I make are purely because of my preferences, because besides the name of your deck, I have no idea what you are trying to do with it.

Take out Slowbro and Slowpoke and add 2 Jynx. Next, add 1 Hypno. Since you have no Alakazam, having Abra and Kadabra in your deck doesn't make much sense. Remove them. Now, unless that's a Fossil Haunter you've got there, Gastly and Haunter just stink--so remove them too. Add 2 Likitung, 1 Jigglypuff and 1 Wigglytuff to your deck. Remove Kangaskahn, and Clefable to make room to add another Ditto.

Now, lets see what we have after that mess is cleaned up a bit:
Pokèmon (20)
3 Jynx
3 Drowzee
2 Hypno
3 Likitung
3 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
2 Mewtwo (P/B)
2 Ditto




4 Energy Removal
3 Energy Search
2 Pokèball
2 Bill
2 Professor Oak
1 Potion
1 Super Potion
1 Energy Retrieval

You started off well here--although I don't particularly care for Pokèball. Remove the Potion, Super Potion, and Energy Retrieval and add 1 Bill, 3 Switches, and 3 Gust of Winds to your deck. Doing so gives you the bench manipulation, the free retreat, and the deck drawing power that a deck like this needs.

Now you have:

4 Energy Removal
3 Energy Search
2 Pokèball
3 Bill
2 Professor Oak
3 Gust of Wind
3 Switch



18 Psychic

Final Comments: Personally, I think you're lucky Pojo forwarded this to me and not to Chippy or someone with much more of a sense of humor than I have--otherwise it very well might have ended up a victim of THRASHFEST. The changes I've made pretty much made this deck a 1/1/1 deck--1/3 is trainers 1/3 is trainers and 1/3 is energy. You will need to play test this deck and decide for yourself if you want to make any changes. Feel free to fix it and play test it and then if you need more help, send it back.