----- Original Message -----

> Michael Callahan
> Here's my Thousand Bolts Deck
> Pokemon-21
> 3-Rockets Zapdos
> 2-Tyrogue
> 3-Basic Zapdos
> 4-Electabuzz
> 2-Jungle Zapdos
> 3-Scyther
> 1-Tauros
> 3-Aerodactyl
> Trainers-16
> 3-Fossil Egg
> 2-Nightly Garbage Run
> 3-Computer Search
> 3-Energy Removal
> 4-Bill
> 1-Sleep
> Energies-23
> 20-Electric
> 3-Double Colorless
> The stradegy of this deck is to get out Aerodactyl
> so that your opponent can't evolve.To leave your opponent with little none
> evolved pokemon.In case you can't get Aerodactyl out you have the power
> houses like Zapdos to take out the big guys.
Not a bad hay!  It's a little low on trainers and has a little too much energy, but not anything that can't be easly fixed ;-) .
Pokemon (21)
3-Rockets Zapdos
3-Basic Zapdos
2-Jungle Zapdos

The first problem I can see is that there are no Cleffas.  I'd usally put 4 in but since this is a haymaker put in 2.  OK, the fact that you have 5 Zapdos (two of them don't exist. Hint: they never made a jungle Zappy, it's fossil =D) kinda makes this deck illegal.  I'd take out all 5 just because Zappy takes like 3 too many turns to power up.  Ditch the Tauros and one syther and add a 4th R. Zappy.  Now your Pokemon section should have:
Pokemon (18)
4-Rockets Zapdos
Trainers (16)
3-Fossil Egg
2-Nightly Garbage Run
3-Computer Search
3-Energy Removal
Since the deck is based around Aerodactyl, add a 4th fossil egg.  Now a new question comes up: What happens if I get 4 tails in a row with fossil egg?  If your luck is as bad as mine use 4 itemfinders.  How about going 3-2 on Oaks and Elms for the ultiment draw power. Instead of energy removals replace them with Super energy removals now trade the 4 Bills for 4 Gusts of wind.  Toss the sleep and one Nightly Garbage Run and your done.
Trainers (25)
4-Fossil Egg
1-Nightly Garbage Run
3-Computer Search
3-Super Energy Removal
4-Gust of wind
3-professer oak
2-proffesser Elm
Energy (23)
3-Double Colorless
23 energy is a bit too much.  Ditch about...*counts on fingers and toes*...10 lightning.  Now trade one DCE for a metal and add 3 more metal in.  The metal are for R. Zappy.  If he has a metal, his attack (assuming you have 3 lightning on him) will do 60 and only 10 to himself.  It should now have:
Energy (16)
2-Double Colorless
Now this hay should focus mor on R. Zappy and Arodactyl then before.
~TR Shadow~