Well, it's that time again. Time for yet another Theme
Challenge. I choose the topic. You build the deck based around the
subject of my whimsy. This one's gonna take a little pure
imagination, like I said.

       My challenge this time around is based upon one of my
favorite movies of all time. I'm a devoted fan of Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory. The candies in the store are pretty good too,
especially Bottle Caps.
      So here's your golden ticket. I'd like to see some decks built
around the entire Willy Wonka movie. If it's in the movie, then go
ahead and make a reference. Golden Geese, Fizzy Lifting Gas,
Arthur Slugworth, the ferryboat, you name it.

     Once again, I'll say it for all those new to the Challenges. Be
sure to read the rules first. They're printed on my main page in a
Rules link. I don't want any Oompas without a Loompa to save
themselves ignoring the rules. Most important! Be sure to include
the word THEME in the subject header when mailing me.

     Keep the decks legal and creative. Remember: "We are the
music makers and we are the dreamers of the dream." Also,
"Whoever heard of a snozzberry?"

      So send out the theme decks to crash@pojo.com I'll look over
all the decks and post the ones I think deserve some credit for
being well thought out or original. You may not receive a chocolate
factory, but you'll get your name on the computer screen and
maybe I'll even send you the rest of my candy bar I have by my
side and can't finish now.

              Good Luck!!
          Dr. Crash Landon