SATOSHI: Here' we go! More Petit Cup decks for your veiwing pleasure.
I have a deck for your 4th twisted challange. It is called JigglyWiggly

4 Farfetch'd (Great Scyther Replacments)
4 Jigglypuff (For evolving, but great by themselvs)
3 Wigglytuff (Isn't it sweet that he is petite?)
4 Machop (Hitmonchan replacment)
4 Gastly (Great 1st turn attack, good against those Hitmon's)

4 DCE (Wiggly, Jiggly, Da Duck)
8 Fighting Energy (DUH!)
12 Psychic Energy (DUH!)

4 Bill (DUH!)
2 Professer Oak (DUH!)
3 Scoop Up (Want that Farfetch'd, Gastly, Machop, or Jigglypuff back?)
3 CPU Search (DUH!)
3 SER (DUH!)
2 ER (DUH!)
4 jigglypuff
3 wigglytuff
4 gastly(f)
3 haunter(f)
3 rattata
2 raticate

12 psychic energy

4 bill
4 professor oak
3 energy retrieval
3 switch
2 lass
2 itemfinder
3 energy removal
2 pluspower
2 computer search
SATOSHI: Heh...those ghosts BETTER be fossil :)
4 vulpix
3 ninetales
4 charmander
4 farfetch'd
4 jigglypuff

20 fire energy

4 bill
2 computer search
2 professor oak
3 gust of wind
4 pluspower
2 scoop up
SATOSHI: Cool! I didn't know ninetales was under 6'8" and 44lbs....Well,
that's all for now!! Good Luck and Happy Gaming, everyone!!