From: Derek Heid [] Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 12:28 PM To: Subject: "Rain" Wheee....Classic Fix number four! >>>> "Rain" by Stu 23 water energy 4 squirtle 2 wartortle 4 blastoise 4 magikarp 3 gyarados 2 chansey 4 pokemon breeders 3 professor oak 3 super energy removal 3 bill 2 gust of wind 3 computer search >>>> My original fix...sort of. X_X; >>>> SATOSHI: Man, do I LOVE raindance decks! Especially when they're as nicely made as this one! The only thing I could suggest to make this better is to remove the chansey and add in 2 articuno. Other than that, Stu did a GREAT job!!! Way to go, Stu! >>>> Okay, now I really fix it. =X 4 squirtle 2 wartortle 4 blastoise 4 magikarp 3 gyarados 2 chansey Alrighty, first things first. Make those Squirtle the Team Rocket version. That 10 extra HP will help more than you can imagine. Next, drop a Wartorle and the Gyarados line for three Cleffa, 3 Wooper, and a lone Magby. Drop the Chansey and use their spaces and our leftover space for the trainers: Pokemon (16) 4 Squirtle 1 Wartorle 4 Blastoise 3 Cleffa 3 Wooper 1 Magby 4 pokemon breeders 3 professor oak 3 super energy removal 3 bill 2 gust of wind 3 computer search Okay, we have three spaces left over from before, so add a fourth Computer Search and drop the Bills for four Itemfinder and a Misty's Wrath. Next, let's take 6 Water Energy and add in 2 Nightly Garbage Run, 1 Professor Elm, 1 Ecogym, a fourth Professor Oak and a second Misty's Wrath. Trainers (27) 4 Professor Oak 4 Computer Search 4 Itemfinder 4 Pokemon Breeder 3 Super Energy Removal 2 Nightly Garbage Run 2 Misty's Wrath 2 Gust of Wind 1 Professor Elm 1 Ecogym Energy (17) 17 Water Energy Make 3 of the Waters DCE for Wooper. We're done! Energy (17) 14 Water Energy 3 DCE That's it for now! Two more decks to go...good luck and happy gaming!