Subj: Poke'mon Deck: Plant Control by Michael Blair.
Date: 4/5/00 12:58:48 PM Central Daylight Time
From: (Christine Blair)


1 Syther
1 Beedrill
2 Kakuna
2 Weedle
1 Gengar
2 Haunter
2 Gastly
1 Slobro
2 Slowpoke
1 Jynx
1 Kangaskahn
1 Tauros
1 Lickitung
1 Farfetch'd


1 Clefairy Doll
1 Computer Search
1 Super Energy Removal
2 Poke'mon Trader
1 Scoop Up
1 Item Finder
1 Devolution Spray
1 Proffessor Oak
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Bill
4 Energy Removal


11 Grass Energy
10 Psychic Energy
1 Double Colorless Energy

  1> Make sure you have at least 2 Pokemon of any type when you first build your deck.

** How this affects you**
You will need to add 1 Scyther, 1 Beedrill, 1 Gengar, 1 Slowbro, 1 Jynx, 1 Kangaskahn, 1 Tauros, 1 Likitung and 1 Farfetch'd.

2> Make sure you have 4/3 or 3/2 evolutions of families with stage I evolutions.

** How this affects you**
Add a Slowpoke and a Slowbro.

3> Make sure you have 4/3/2 or 3/2/2 evolutions of families with stage II evolutions

** How this affects you**
Add a Weedle and Gastly

-- Where we stand now:
2 Scyther, 2 Beedrill, 2 Kakuna, 3 Weedle, 2 Gengar, 2 Haunter, 3 Gastly, 2 Slowbro, 3 Slowpoke, 2 Jynx, 2 Kangaskahn, 2 Tauros, 2 Likitung, 2 Farfetch'd.

Ok you've got 31 Pokemon now =) That's too many. You kinda need to decide what you want. You've got the name Plant Control, so I bet you want the Beedrils, lets leavet them and the Scyther in. Ok. Now, Gastly's line is great, so let's leave that in too. Also, let's leave the Likitun in in order to keep the status effect and the beefy Pokemon. Remove all the other Pokemon. Now, if you want something else, that's fine. You can use any of the other Pokemon if you want.

4> Start out with the following set of basic trainers:
2 Professor Oak, 3 Bill, 2 CPU Search, 2 Item Finder, 3 Gust of WInd, 3 Switch, 2 Pokemon Trader, and 2 Scoop Up or Mr. Fuji

** How this affects you**
Remember that the trainers listed above are only a guideline to start--
Add 1 Professor Oak, Remove 2 Bill, add a CPU Search, a Scoop Up, and an Item finder. Since you have no Gusts, you should add 2, the same for Switch. Remove Devolution Spray--It's almost a worthless trainer. Remove the lone Super Energy Removal, and pull an Energy Removal while you're at it.

5> If you have colourless Pokemon in your deck, or Pokemon whose attacks have colourless attacks, put in at least 2 DCE if not more.

** How this affects you**
Add 1 DCE to bring it up to 2. Drop your Psychic energy down to 7 and your Grass to 10.

 Your new deck looks like this:

Pokemon: 18

2 Scyther, 2 Beedril, 2 Kakuna, 3 Weedle
2 Gengar, 2 Haunter, 3 Gastly, 2 Kangaskahn

Trainers: 23

2 CPU Search, 2 Pokemon Trader, 2 Scoop Up,
2 Item Finder, 2 Professor Oak, 2 Energy Retrieval,
2 Bill, 3 Energy Removal, 2 Gust of WInd,
2 Switch, 2 Pokemon Trader

Energy: 19
02 DCE, 7 Psychic, 10 Grass
60 Cards