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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


Professor Sycamore

- XY

Date Reviewed:
April 8, 2014

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Standard: 4.75
Limited: 5.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Professor Sycamore 

Yes, it’s Professor Juniper.

The game designers have obviously decided they want to keep the ‘dump and draw big’ Supporter in the game for the foreseeable future, and it seems like it’s the job of the most recent video game Professor to provide it (just like Oak did in Base Set). I don’t have any real problem with that: Juniper/Sycamore is by far the best Supporter we have in the game right now and I wouldn’t want to be without it unless we got something better. We really are starved of good Supporters and good draw in general right now, and this is the card that is largely responsible for whatever speed and consistency our decks have at the moment. 

New players are often somewhat wary of the discard costs, but once you learn to manage it this card is invaluable. Always the first Supporter you write down on your decklist and worthy of its status as a ‘staple’ card. 


Modified: 4.75 (the best draw available)

Limited: 5 (just watch you don’t deck out) 

Intro to
Unlimited 150

Professor Sycamore.
Unlimited 150 review.
Professor Juniper and Sycamore are staples for pretty much any Standard deck at the moment but in U150 they have to compete with the original and the best: Professor Oak himself. Oak has obvious advantages, being a Trainer and not a Supporter makes him less restrictive to use and can fuel fast Trainer draw engines. Professor Sycamore isn’t totally obsolete though, Supporters are much harder to lock meaning he’s more reliable against common cards like Spiritomb.
Discarding your hand (whether it’s empty or not) and drawing 7 is a powerful effect for sure, to the point where some players choose to use the whole “Holy Trinity” of Oak, Juniper and Sycamore, especially those that can make the discard drawback into an advantage! (Firestarter Pokémon or Flareon Plasma for example).
Personally, I tend to only use Oak in most decks and use my Supporters for search effects instead of draw. It just goes to show, even with many staple Trainers and Supporters making their way into most decks, there’s plenty of room for personal style and innovation when it comes to making your TSS lists to the point where incredibly powerful cards like Sycamore are just another option and not mandatory.

Rating: 4 (Drawing 7 will always be a good effect)

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