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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Emcee's Chatter

HS Unleashed

Date Reviewed: June 1, 2010

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.50
Limited: 4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats

Emcee’s Chatter


Another girl pic, another draw Supporter. I’m not complaining. Well, I’m not complaining about the pic anyway.


Emcee’s Chatter is another really simple and straightforward card. You play your Supporter for the turn. You flip a coin. If it’s heads you draw three, if it’s tails you draw two. I actually think this type of card is really good for very new players. It introduces them to the concept of playing Supporters without them having to make complicated strategic choices.


But is it any good for the competitive player?


Ummm . . .not really, no.


In my previous review I mentioned that simply drawing three cards is not the best use of your one Supporter per turn, and that applies to today’s card as well. 50% of the time you won’t even be drawing three cards either, you’ll only net two. That’s just not good enough.


This card IS better than Mom’s Kindness. But not by much.




Modified: 2 (too many better options)

Limited: 4 (better than Cheerleader)


Our second Supporter of the week is another draw based one, Emcee’s Chatter.  Like Cheerleader’s Cheer, you don’t have to worry about discarding a card as the cost or shuffling away your hand.  Unlike Cheerleader’s Cheer, you won’t help your opponent out either.  Instead, Emcee’s Chatter just has you flip a coin: if heads you draw three cards.  If tails, you draw just two.


If you absolutely have to preserve the contents of your hand and can’t stand to discard or shuffle away a card, then you can run this.  Otherwise, most of us would prefer a guaranteed three (or even four) card draw that the other cards provide.  Its all dependent upon the coin toss: if you get heads it’s a hair better than most of its contemporaries, but if you get tails it’s… Bill or Mom’s Kindness. =/




Modified: 2.75/5


Limited: 5/5

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia
Emcee's Chatter (HS Unleashed)
I will simply refer to this as MC, which is really how it should have been printed. Doesn't look all that pretty either, which kind of sucks.
You flip a coin, and draw 2 or three cards depending on the outcome. Flipping for a Supporter is a first, and doesn't bode well for MC.
My argument is the same as yesterday, 3 cards is not enough for a Supporter without some kind of bonus effect. The coin flip averages it out at 2.5 cards, making MC somewhere between Mum's Kindness/Bill and Cheerleader's Cheer. At least your opponent won't draw a card.
This card would be worth using if the payoff for flipping Heads were 4-5 cards, but the designers would have dropped the Tails result to 1 or 0 cards, which would make MC unplayable again. Just a bad concept.
Modified: 2.5 (Why the flip? Gimme the cards already!)
Limited: 3 (better then Cheer, but not by much)
Combos with: a double sided coin? No, just the binder.

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