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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Galactic HQ


Date Reviewed: 02.19.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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OK, Good ole’ me ready to review this gym. A most interesting gym.

Now, you have two gyms that place damage counters for actions from your hand. This one for evolving, and M. Valley for playing the wrong type of basic.

The card has the potential to work in a lot of different decks, including Amphy-lock (how you goin’ to evolve to Claydol Willis?), the G/SP decks (I play all basics so it won’t affect me!), and the spread decks (evolve to get more HP, and you just lose more HP). I would mention the Giggles (Regigigas Deck), but that is going the way of the dinosaur quickly.

The easy answer is a counter-stadium, but really, this can make for an interesting problem.

With Honchkrow able to get it SOOOO easily for SP decks, it may actually be something that we need to consider countering, those of us that play evolution decks.

That could require us to play more multiples of gyms, and therefore less multiples of other stuff, and therefore limit our decks…

Most evolution decks are in love with Broken-Space-Time (and rightly so) so, they will be playing counter gyms ANYWAYS.

Here we go.

Ratings…Modified. I am going to give this a 4 out of 5. Good gym for the decks that use it.

Limited…not too bad, but not game breaking. Not much evolution in limited with the limited search power. Lots of gyms in this set too. I will go 2.5/5 here.

Talk to you soon!

Vince – THE Meganium45

COTD – Galactic HQ

Love this card and I think it should definitely be played in most Regigigas/G decks. Adding an extra 20 damage for evolving means you’ll be doing a lot more prize picking up instead of mental addition. I also love it because it makes a lot of matchups easier for Gigas since the 100 damage cap it had meant a lot less OHKO’s than necessary. I definitely think it will be a top stadium in the near future.

Modified – 4/5
Limited – 4.5/5

Hello world! This is my first COTD with Pojo. Normally, I would spend some time to ramble on and introduce myself, but I get the feeling that anyone reading this review would just appreciate it if I went ahead and reviewed the card.


Today we are looking at a Stadium card from the Platinum expansion, known as Galactic HQ. This interesting little card has the effect of placing two damage counters whenever a player evolves a Pokemon. It is rather obvious that this card was meant to be played with the new Pokemon SP. Unfortunately, it would seem as if the only SP Pokemon actually worth running in a competitive deck right now is Dialga G Lv. X, which means that this card won't see much use... yet. In the near future, however, when we receive Bonds to the End of Time and Pulse of the Frontier in North America, this may change, as more emphasis will be placed on the strength of the SPs.


Now, we will look at the pros and cons of this card:



Is a Stadium, and can cast away the pesky Dusknoir Lv. X.

Can do decent spread damage for basic-oriented decks. (Wouldn't this have rocked in Haymaker back in the day...)



Archetype associated with it has not yet reached it's full potential.


Modified: 2/5 (It might do some good to revisit this one later, though.)

Limited: 2/5 (With so many heavy-hitting basics in Platinum Limited, the odds of your opponent pulling off much evolution will be slim.)

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