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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Department Store Girl


Date Reviewed: 12.15.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.38

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Department Store Girl


The Arceus set saw the release of several new playable Tools, so it’s no coincidence that it also brings us a Supporter that works with them.


Department Store Girl is a very straightforward card. It lets you search your deck for up to three Pokémon Tools and put them in your hand. Obviously, that is extremely useful if you run a deck that is dependent on Tools such as Luxray AR, but it could have uses in other decks, such as FlyTrap (which uses Memory Berry and Flygon to lock an opponent’s Pokémon active). Making Tools searchable effectively means that a player is able to dedicate less space to the Tools themselves as they are not relying on simply drawing into them in order for their deck to work.


However, Department Store Girl is a once-per-turn Supporter, and this is a bit of a downside as a player will often prefer to use a more high-utility card like Roseanne or Bebe, rather than a Supporter with such a specialised function. With plenty of draw in the format, thanks to Claydol and Uxie, most players will prefer to rely on that, rather than a Supporter, to get Tools into their hand. As a result, Department Store Girl will probably only need play in those decks that absolutely need Tools in order to work properly. In those kinds of decks, this card is practically a staple, and does its job extremely well, but it is a highly specialised card and so is likely to be squeezed out of a tight decklist in favour of cards which offer draw and consistency.




Modified: 3 (it’s niche, but it’s a GOOD niche)

Limited: 3.75 (lots of good Tools in the set, not much competition for Supporter use)


Department Store Girl:

Department Store Girl is a supporter that allows you to search your deck for three tool cards and put them into your hand. This card is crucial to the new Luxray Gadget Bolt deck, and has some uses in other decks that rely heavily on Expert Belt or Memory Berry. For you beginners out there, Department Store Girl has no place in an SP deck, as Cyrus's Conspiracy will allow all the Energy Gains to come out of the deck. I definitely see Department Store Girl as being crucial to very tool heavy decks, but not helpful elsewhere.

Modified: well its tough to rank it because it is a 5/5 in a Gadget bolt deck, but a 1/5 in most other decks. Being so deck specific I'd have to give it a 3/5
Limited: 3/5

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