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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Cessation Crystal

EX Crystal Guardians


Date Reviewed: 09.28.06

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: -
Modified: 4
Limited: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

My reviews are ratings are for Modified only.

Cessation Crystal

Modified 4/5 - Yes, its activation is limited to non-ex Active Pokemon, but it's still really powerful. Shutting down Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies is huge. Luckily, Windstorm can counter this and discard Stadiums easily as well. Nevertheless, any card that have such an enormous impact on the metagame (such as this one) is definitely powerful.

Muk Man
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Cessation Crystal from Crystal Guardians.
This is my favorite card from the new set. This is the biggest disruption card since rockets admin. Finally!!! A way to stop Mew EX (LM) of course it’s counter, windstorm, is in the same set to stop it from being broken. The best part about this pokemon tool is that it is one of the few tools that can be used by a basic. So your ability to drop this down T1, shutting down you opponent, and then evolve with it just perfect. No matter what kind of deck you run you can always find a use for it.

Combos: Kingler d would love this card as well, boosting its damage by 40 and shutting down all powers, and bodies. Raichu d will also love to carry this tool.

Modified: 4/5 The ability to shut down ALL powers and bodies (including your own) limits who can use this card.
Limited: 4/5 This set is very heavy on Powers and Bodies. So if you can use it, you will crush you opponent.

Current ebay Value: $2.50 (plus or minus $.50 cent)

~Muk Man~

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